Look Over Things

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I walked down the hallway with Eric, looking at my feet, too shy to look at him. He was tapping his drumsticks against his thigh, also looking anywhere else but at me.

"So um...how do you like being in the band?" I asked after a very long pause.

"Huh? Oh! It's great, I-I really it! I mean it can be a lot sometimes I guess? I mean there's a lot of headbutting in the band that I try to stay out of. Everyone's kinda full of themselves," he admitted sheepishly.

I giggled, cheeks growing warm.

"I can imagine. How has Vinnie fit in compared to Ace?" I asked.

***I just realized last chapter I had Bruce with the band! My mistake, this is currently set in 1983 so it's Vinnie instead of Bruce for now!***

"Oh, he's fine! I don't think I'm as close to him as I was with Ace, but I don't mind. Gene and Paul might be a little less fond of him. Don't tell them I said this but the three of them are so full of themselves it's a wonder they can all fit in the same room," he said with a shy grin.

I laughed, heart a puddle in my chest.

"It's very fortunate for all of them that they've got you in the band. You're the only one who seems to be a total sweetheart."

"Oh don't get me wrong they're all good guys! They're just...them? I hope you get what I'm saying at least. And I'm sorry again for Gene! I hope you weren't offended or upset, he just...kinda does that. To any woman, really. Not-not to say you're not beautiful!" he added hastily. "You're absolutely gorgeous! Not-not to make you uncomfortable or anything, I just didn't want you to think I was saying he was wrong for calling you beautiful it was more he was wrong for how he said it and the context and-and...yeah," he finished weakly, face going from pink to tomato red.

I smiled, hesitating for a moment before resting a hand on his arm.

"I know what you mean," I said, and he gave me a relieved smile.

"Oh good," he said.

"Does Gene...do that a lot?" I asked after a pause.

"Do what?"

"Flirt with other women while he's dating someone,"I asked, thinking of Shannon.

"Oh. Well, he...he does more than just flirt with them," Eric said slowly, looking uncomfortable.

"Mm. I see," I said. "I'll have to make sure Shannon knows."

Eric let out a sigh, shaking his head.

"I love Gene, but damn can he be frustrating. Absolute pigheaded idiot at times. Anyway um so this is backstage, did you want to come with me as I went over my kit? Or did you want to just wait somewhere? I don't know how interesting it'll be for you," he said sheepishly.

"I'll come with you! I'd love to see it, I don't know anything about drums really so I'd like to learn," I said.

He gave me a smile, hesitating for a moment before moving to take my hand before changing his mind and instead holding my wrist gently, leading me backstage. I stood off to the side and watched curiously as he talked with his drum techs, making certain that everything was in working order and that it was all as he wanted it to be, running over the setlist and everything until at last he was satisfied. Finally, he gave them a parting wave and returned to my side.

"Alright there we go! Thanks for coming with me, I appreciate the company," he said, and I smiled.

"Of course! Thank you for inviting me, it was cool to see."

There was a pause as we looked at each other's feet before he cleared his throat.

"Um, anyway! It's almost time for the show to start so you should get to your seat. Maybe we could hang out again some other time?"

"I'd love that. I'll see you later!" I said hastily, starting to get embarrassed, and turned and left with a wave, absolutely crimson and heart racing like mad.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now