Name's Alexander. Alexander Windham.

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Luke P.O.V

She snorted and flopped onto her belly. I don't know what she was dreaming about, but it sure did make her increadibly happy. She let out another giggle and ran a hand through her hair.


After collapsing onto Alex's arms, Balthazar told him to take her to the guest room until he decides what to do with her. Ezra just snorted and left the hall, while Sydney accompanied Laura into the weapons room. Everyone knew Laura was a little shy and Sydney just wanted to give her company.

So I went along with Alex to the guest room.

"Boy, she weighs a ton!" Alex exclaimed, struggling to carry her up the stairs. I unsuccessfully stifled a laugh.

"Well, I thought that all those years of experience you had in carrying unknown women to your bedroom would have given you some practice by now, wouldn't it?"

He just glared at me and let out a final huff before reaching the required room. I pushed the door open and Alex lay her down on the queen sized bed in the middle of the room. He then opened the cupboard and took out a blanket before putting it over her.

I whistled. "I see someone's being prince charming."

He threw a spare pillow at me which I easily dodged. "I'm just making sure that she's comfortable, that's all. Don't go around making assumptions all the time." He said, looking slightly ruffled.

I threw my hands up in surrender. "Fine, dude. Whatever you say!" I took a chair that was lying next to the bed and sat down on it.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

I sighed. "Alexander Macon Windham. You've known me for nine years and yet you doubt my intentions?" I said, placing a hand on my heart and giving an expression of mock hurt.

He just crossed his arms, "Luke Evan Winchester" he warned.

I smirked. "What, we on full name basis now?" But one look from Alex made me shut up. "Fine! I'm just gonna sit here and wait till she's up."

I expected him to just ignore me and leave like he usually did, but he did something totally unexpected. He laughed.

Haven't heard him do that in a while now. Not since...

"Look at who's being Prince Charming now?"he laughed. "Fine then. Even I'll wait for Sleeping Beauty here to awaken."

He pulled a chair near Avery's bed opposite my side and pulled out his phone. I just sighed and slumped in my seat, knowing very well that having a conversation was the last thing on Alex's mind.

A few minutes rolled by before a flicker of movement snapped me from my train of thoughts. Alex, too, realised the sudden movement and jerked his head up. It was Avery. She was awake.

How is that possible? The amount of power used by Balthazar was enough to knock a horse out for hours and Avery didn't even have any specialised training. Then how did she...?

"Hey," stated Alex as soon as she opened her eyes. "You OK?"

Bewildered, Avery stared at her surroundings for a couple of seconds before her gaze landed on mine. Annoyingly, seeing her so lost and bewildered made me want to just hold her tight and never let her go. Come on, Luke, I scolded myself, what's wrong with you? I mentally slapped myself and offered a small reassuring smile to her.

She sat up and rubbed her temple.

"What....? Wh-Where am I? What am I doing here? And who are you?" Avery asked, addressing the last part of her questions to Alex.

"You're in the Bunker, but I'm pretty sure you knew that. You're here because you're in danger. And my name's Alex. Alexander Windham." Alex replied, extending his palm for shaking.

Still reeling from the newfound information, Avery extended her hand in a daze and shook Alex's hand.

Alex flashed a dazzling smile and looked at me. "Luke, could you please call Balthazar and the others... tell them that Miss Storme here's awake?"

"Please, call me Avery. Or Ave. Whichever is fine," Avery replied, blushing a little. This, for reasons unknown, infuriated me. Oh, and not to mention, Alex was still holding her hand. Frankly speaking, I didn't want to leave Avery alone with Mr. Perfect right here, so I said, " Why don't you go and call the others? I mean, I'm pretty sure that Ave has a lot of questions.."

Alex just raised an unamused eyebrow and left quietly.

"So... " I began.

"Care to explain?" Ave asked in a soft, tired voice.

"Uh... yeah. Balthazar, the man who you met when you entered, will tell you everything you need to know."

She just nodded and a few seconds of silence reigned. Finally she sighed and looked at me. "I'm scared, Luke."

I don't know how or why, but in that moment my heart skipped a beat. I don't know why, but the sight of that innocent and scared girl made me blame every thing that came into my mind for the unfairness of the situation. She didn't deserve this.

So before I could do something stupid like break a lamp or something, I got out of my chair and sat beside her on the bed. I placed my warm hand on her cold palms and gave a reassuring squeeze. "It's goona be fine, Ave." I said softly. "Believe me."

She looked at me for a moment before nodding. She opened her mouth to say something when a loud knock reverberated in the room. Avery instantly removed her hand from my grasp and adjusted her hair just as Balthazar, Alex, Ezra, Sydney and Laura entered.

"I see you're awake." Balthazar stated. "We have a lot to talk about."

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