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Heyya ppl!



Avery P.O.V

As soon as I woke up, I saw death.

Not the actual death death, it was only a representation. It was bone chilling, nevertheless. The entire ceiling was painted with intricate paintings depicting death. Battle scenes, treachery, unprepared attacks, you name it; it was there. I was marveling at the beauty of the ceiling when a beautiful yet strong voice asked, "Hey, you okay?"

I scrambled up into a sitting position and looked to my left to find the source of the voice. I was left breathless.

A boy of not more than 18 sat there, looking at me with inquiring amber eyes. He was the same boy who was present when I had entered the Bunker along with Luke. With black hair, luscious lips and deep amber eyes, I was seriously mesmerised. Were all guys in this Bunker so hot?

This was around 15 minutes ago. Now, Luke was sitting next to me, holding my hand in his, and assuring me that everything would make sense soon, and everything would be alright. I don't know why but the sincere look in his eyes made me so desperately want to believe him. I was about to reply when a loud knock reverberated in the room. I hastily withdrew my hand from his with a blush and adjusted my hair. Balthazar came in, followed by Alex and Ezra, and two girls who were there when I entered the Bunker, but whose names I didn't know.

"We have a lot to talk about."

I don't know why, but the sound of these seven words filled my heart with dread. Was I thoroughly confused about what was going on with me? Of course. But did I actually want to know about the entire history? I really don't know.

I involuntarily grasped Luke's warm hands for reassurance. Was it just me or did I see Alex harden his gaze at Luke?

Before I went crazy due to overthinking, Balthazar strode softly across the room and sat on the seat previously occupied by Alex.

"How are you feeling?" Balthazar asked.

"Ummm... good, I think?" I replied, suddenly feeling the pressure of six pairs of eyes on me.

Balthazar smiled. "Good. Then let me tell you everything. From the beginning."

"More than a billion years ago, even before the Earth was formed, there was nothing but Chaos. Pure and perfect nothingness reigned the Universe. But then, due to certain changes, this Chaos split into six 'Elementos'- Elements- that were instrumental in creating the Earth, and all life on Earth. Fire, Water, Air, Land, Spirit and Fear."

A shiver ran down my spine. "F-Fear?" I stuttered.

Balthazar just gave me a sad smile and said, "Let me finish. You'll understand everything.

"So, as I was saying, these six elements existed on Earth peacefully. Well, as peacefully as they could. There were six people... Magistrae, we call them... who were given the responsibility to control these elements. However, one of the Magistrae, Fear, as you can guess already, was not happy with this distribution of power. He thought he should have all power with himself. Now, after a couple thousand years, when humans started worshipping these Elementos, they forgot to worship Fear. More like, they didn't want to worship Fear. They built a massively huge temple to accomodate the Magistrae, but they didn't reserve a place for Fear. He was furious. He went rogue, striking fear into the hearts of millions... ruthlessly killing all who dared to cross him. People are gullable, and did not want to lose their near and dear ones. So, instead of praying to the Magistrae, they started worshipping and following Fear.

"Now, the Magistrae were worried. They wanted to keep him at bay, but as was proved by their many battles, they could not defeat him. They were getting weaker by the passing day; as each follower left them and flocked to Fear. They knew they had to do something or the world would go back to the Chaotic state it was originally born from.

"So, they thought of creating a vessel that contained the powers of all the Magistrae. Earth created the vessel of a young girl, Fire gave the vigour and anger required to fight bravely, Water provided her with the calm level-headedness needed to make proper battle strategies, Air gave her the compassion that she needed to forgive the followers of Fear and lead them in the right direction. Finally, Spirit breathed life into her and she became a lively little girl of not more than 16.

"She was the perfect vessel. She could manipulate water, produce and control fire at will, create storms or calm the winds, uproot trees and cause earthquakes, and most importantly, was a major manipulator of the soul. Because of this power bestowed on her by Spirit, she could convince followers of Fear to leave him and follow the Magistrae again. Fear, obviously, was furious. He declared a war on this vessel. Well, it was more like a one man army for both sides. By this time, almost all of Fear's followers had left him, so he was weak. His pride overcame his intelligence. After years of war, Fear finally lost."

Balthazar paused at this point. I don't know why, but I suddenly felt the temperature of the room fall a couple of degrees. I snuggled closer to Luke.

"However," he started, which made a shiver run down my spine. "Like all tragic stories, the victory got to this little girl's head. She became proud, and began acting like the Creator. The Magistrae couldn't do anything about it; even if they wanted to punish her, they couldn't. She was too strong.

"Decades passed. Since she was immortal, she still looked like a fifteen year old. She even got away with a lot of mischievous schemes due to her powers. Frustrated, the Magistrae slowly but surely took away her powers little by little without jer knowing, of course. But what they didn't know was that Fear was not dead. He was still alive and kicking, getting stronger by the passing day.

"Then the fateful day arrived."
Even before Balthazar continued the story, I knew what was coming. I gulped audibly.

"Fear, tired of hiding, came out of his lair and wrecked havoc in the world. The little girl was summoned by the Magistrae again, and she went out with full confidence. But what she didn't realise was that Fear was stronger now, and she was weaker. She fought bravely, but in the end..."

"She was killed," I croaked, my throat suddenly dry.

Balthazar nodded, "Yes. The Magistrae were devastated. One good thing that came out of this ordeal was that Fear exhausted all his resources and so he went into hiding again. He hasn't been seen ever since. But, the Magistrae knew he'd be back; and so they made a prophecy."

I don't know why, but this something about this prophecy didn't settle quite right with me.

Balthazar coughed once before continuing,
" Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Spirit combine
To make a creature so divine
That each time a Darkness rises
She shall rise along with it
Till either she remains to destroy the abomination
Or the Darkness consumes the World in Eternal Damnation."

Wow. Eternal Damnation. Sounds fun.

A few seconds of silence threatened to swallow the room in whole when I finally had the courage to speak, "Uh... so, you guys think that I have something to do with this um.. prophecy?"

Balthazar just looked at me with an unreadable expression in his eyes. "Interpreters of this prophecy have said that no one other than a descendant of this girl can possess the power of all the five elements. Avery, this little girl's name was Lorilei. Lorilei Storme. "



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