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a/n : my insta is @/happiercrimes follow me psllsslslls

elsie's pov

it was nearly midnight. i was in my room, laying down on my bed, reading a bunch of my favourite comic books.

i was so immersed into the comic i was reading that i didn't even hear that someone was persistently knocking at the front door.

i was a bit frightened, it's a friday night and  i'm from ShadySide. If I opened the door I'd probably get mugged or worse.

But the knocking kept continuing and it was getting more intense each time, so I had no choice but to go open the door. But before that I hid a small pocket knife in my bra just in case.

I carefully tip toed my way to the front door and slowly opened it.

"Simon?" I exclaimed because I was not expecting to see him at all. But he seemed...less cheerful than usual. His head was down and his eyes were puffy and red. Had he been crying?

"Oh thank god you're here. Something horrible happened, Elsie. Something terrible." Simon said between two sobs.

Confused, I led Simon to my room. There he removed his red vest and his black boots and sat next to on my bed and started to explain to me what had happened. I held his hand tightly as I was listening to him.

"It's Timothy..." He started and then took a deep breath before continuing. " I came back from work and I found him laying unconscious on the couch in front of the TV."

"At first I thought he was only asleep so I kept trying to wake him up but then I noticed the syringes on the ground...and the drugs. He overdosed on heroin."

My heat skipped a beat for a few seconds. Simon loved his little brother more than anything in the world, he was his only family that he got along with and in just a matter of seconds Timothy was stripped away from him.

Timothy was a nice little guy who succumbed to the deadly use of drugs.

"Oh G-god, I'm so sorry that happened, baby. But what happened then?"

"I called 911. And then my parents came home and went to the hospital with Timmy. I don't know if he'll make it."

I pulled Simon close to me and then hugged him.

"He's going to make it. Not only because he is a strong boy but also because we're going to pray every single day for his recovery." I whispered in his ear.

My goal for the rest of the night was to cheer Simon up. I made him green tea and then I cooked him his favorite dish.

When he was done, we played video games and read comic books until he fell asleep on my bed. I covered his body with my blankets and placed a kiss on his forehead.

I hoped that Timothy would make it out alive.


did you guys enjoy this imagine? once again i am sorry if there are spelling mistakes or grammatical errors, english isn't my first language.

Also, I would like to make an announcement. I'm going to change Elsie's appearance.
I'd like to make her a person of color, since we don't see a lot of them in fanfics and I thought we could switch things up:)

 I'd like to make her a person of color, since we don't see a lot of them in fanfics and I thought we could switch things up:)

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This is what Elsie looks like now

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This is what Elsie looks like now. If I'm not mistaken the girls username is @/tamaguccie on ig !!

Hope you guys are staying safe and see you all on the next imagine:)

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