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Date: March 4th, 2018
Location: Greendale Providence High School

Sloane Davenport

"So I assume that the work trip to Ashland went pretty well huh?" Cece mutters as she reapplies her lip gloss looking in her locker mirror.

I shrug my shoulders. " I guess you can say that." I keep a straight face while I switch out my textbooks from my backpack. Closing my door shut, Cece gives me a questionable look. Her eyebrows are furrowed together. The last time she ever gave that to me was when I mentioned Harry.


"Really?" She asks. I nod in reply, not saying anything else until she buys it. Leaning my backside against my locker, I pay no attention to her and keep looking straight.

"Sloane, did it ever occur to you that you really don't like telling me shit behind my back?" She huffs in frustration, not taking the bait per usual. Cece rarely has time to investigate my private life but she only digs up the shallow parts of my cover.

"Ce' you know I never like keeping shit behind you, Besides the work retreat was crappy. Cell service over there is not it when you're in the woods." I told her. She hums with her lips lined together in a straight form.

She shuts her locker, finished with the lipgloss. I can tell she's more pissed about me missing out on prom dress hunting than hiding the fact I saw Harry last weekend.

"Look, if you want me to say it, I'll say it okay? If it bothers you that much, then promise me won't tell anyone else." I whisper between our close distance. I put a lot of trust in Cece, not just pinky promises.

She's the only person I can actually put faith into when I'm not an agent undercover.

"Who the hell am I gonna tell? My dog?" She jokes. Rolling my eyes back, I take a deep exhale and try to relax my shoulders a little bit. I turn to face her with my weight leaning towards the locker.

"Okay, well if you're not gonna believe me if I tell you but I kinda saw Har-"

"Whatsup' B-dawg!"

"Hey Smultz how you been?"

The voices of our football players shouts through the halls as I'm interrupted once again by the person who is too narcissistic to see others.

I see Brayden give handshakes to football boys who are standing across from us, fistbumping and hitting each other like little kids. I swear they act like wild dogs on leashes. I'm too distracted to finish my sentence to Cece, as I continue to watch my ex in disgust act like the superficial stuck up bitch he is.

He passes me without noticing and continues to walk down the hall. I turn away and refocus back to our conversation.

"So anyways, I uh, I actually kinda saw, well not saw but I met up again with Ha-"

"Oh my fucking god..." Cece's face drops in shock, not even paying attention to what I was about to say again.

"What is it?" I ask her, and she points past me to lead my head turning a slight 180 degrees. I try to spot who she's pointing at and there it was.

A sharp image of Brayden in his letterman jacket with his arm leaning against the lockers. And with that picture perfect smile, I can see him inaudibly talking to a bright blonde-haired girl wearing a short blue dress, keeping his attention to only her. She continues to twirl a piece of hair in her finger while talking to my repulsive ex.

That fucking traitor.

"Isn't that Kelsey van Ryan?" Cece asks behind me as I continue to stare them down with my eyes, annoyed at the sight. I roll my eyes back, already keeping my assumptions right all along. What an airhead.

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