Chapter Five| Memories

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???s POV

Would it be safe to sleep? I just need to rest my head for a while..
I utter within my mind, my eyes drooping and barely able to keep myself awake, my body felt tired and it was the middle of the night. I needed to sleep, I couldn't just not sleep. If I do that I might mess up.. but what if he shows himself? I haven't heard from him in a while, no bitter talk back, but I know his there. He wouldn't just leave, expesially not without a fight. Yet nothing seems to help, no matter what I do he always seems to.. reappear from one matter to another. I crept into my bed in my freshly cleaned pajamas, still warm from the dryer.
Are you there?
Hm.. alright then
Deciding on the lack of a auditable response I prayed it would be fine to sleep, I wasn't even sure if I could stay up any further. I haven't slept for a couple days out of worry, and now coffee can no longer hold back the urge to sleep. It didn't take me long when my head hit the pillow, sleep quickly took over from the warmth of the pajamas and being snug in bed. My eyes slowly dim as they shut, darkness engulfing my mind as I slowly slipped further and further into sleep.

"Mommy! Mommy look!" Shrieked a overjoyed child, his eyes bright and filled with joy with little to no darkness within his pearly green eyes. He held up what appeared to be a piece of paper, on closer look it was a drawing created by the young boy. The mother turned her eyes brightening as she bent down to greet her joyful kid, yet when her eyes trailed to the image her eyes darkened noticing stick figures drawn. A mother with brown hair with a drawn smiley face, a father with forest green hair along with another smiley face.. and a small child with pale green hair. It seemed to be a rather cute little stick figure family, the little boy not noticing his mothers sudden darkness.
"I drew daddy in it too!" He added, jumping around lightly unable to remain still as he leapt around. He was expecting his mother to place up the image on the fridge, like most of his other images which mostly consisted of poorly colored in images, colored out of line. The mother nodded, trying to hide the sadness in her expression
"It's lovely dear, I'll put it now now run away now" she said lightly, rubbing the boys head gently as she took the paper from him to which the boy happily darted off to continue playing or doing whatever he was doing before giving her the image. She carefully went grabbing a tabby cat magnet, using it to snap the image to the fridge to hold it up. Her eyes softening as she looked at the image.

The father worked in a rather dangerous field of work, meaning he was rarely home with his family as work kept him busy. He needed to provide for the family being the only one working at the time, his wife being a stay at home mom. Keeping the house clean, and caring for their child. She would need money to pay for food and cleaning supplies among whatever things they would need.
Sadly he never returned home, a accident occurred on his way home causing him to sadly lose his life soon after. The mother loved him, very much so when this happened she broke down in tears and the young boy was confused not understanding why his dad wasn't coming home until he slowly learned over time what had occurred and why he would never see his dad again. For some reason before he had learned the true extent of what happened he believed his father would return, wake up and be alright. Yet that could also be due to his mother never properly explaining how death worked, he was only six at the time.

I jump, startled awake why that memory? It's been so long ago.. I bent up placing my head between my turned up knees as I held my head. I hated that memory, I love my mom yet.. I didn't know how worried she was at the same time. She knew how deadly dads work was, yet she never really told me how dangerous it would be. He never even made it home.. he never even left his work.
   I sighed laying back down as I covered my eyes draping my arm over them, hoping to settle my nerves and try once more at sleep. I needed sleep..  and what I got was barely any. I mumble and slowly drifted back off into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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