Childe x Childhood Friend! Reader Oneshot

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Requested by Anthea_I

Additional TW: a bit of violence, yelling

For this oneshot are things that are written only in italics scenes from the past and not (Y/N)'s thoughts. Anything in underlined italics has no changed meaning.

I hope this is somehow what you wished for (especially since I only noticed at the end that you didn't specify if this is supposed to be a oneshot or headcanons and that I forgot to ask which of both it was supposed to be; I am deeply sorry if you wanted headcanons)!

I hope this is somehow what you wished for (especially since I only noticed at the end that you didn't specify if this is supposed to be a oneshot or headcanons and that I forgot to ask which of both it was supposed to be; I am deeply sorry if yo...

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'Hey (Y/N), how about we go fishing? I have a good feeling about it today~'

'No, not interested. Don't you have to do something for the Fatui anyway?'

'Nope, today is my day off. Look, I even got all the materials needed here.', Childe proudly shows you a bag filled with two fishing roots and lines, baits and snacks.

You sigh. 'Why do you prepare for a trip without asking me beforehand?

'Because the last time I asked you beforehand you made at short notice a weekend trip to Sumeru. Therefore I figured out that surprises are more to your liking.'

'Are you delusional or too stubborn to give up? For god's sake, I don't want to spend time with you. These times are over and you have to acknowledge that.', even if you don't show it your insides are slowly starting to boil with anger.

'There is nothing that can't be restored. The only thing you have to do is to give me a chance. If you can think of a way to regain your trust, you can tell me and I will do it. Anything.'

'Well, then get out of my sight.'

Childe's smile doesn't falter. 'Ok, I correct myself: Anything but that.'

'Then I can't think of anything. Please excuse me, I have to go now.', you say and vanish behind masses of snow.

When the Harbinger is sure that you are out of hearing range, he punches a nearby tree over and over again out of frustration. 'WHY?! WHY ARE YOU SO BEGRUDGING?! Why can't I get my sweet (Y/N) back? Why can't you return at least some of my love? Why...'

At some point the male stops letting out all of his emotions on the poor tree as his bleed.

- Years ago -

'Ajax, look what I got from my parents today!', you proudly hold up  medium-sized soft-toy resembling a fish. 'Don't you think that this would be the perfect bait?'

The little boy stares in awe. 'Mh, it is perfect to attract bigger fish, but what if a fish steals it? Wouldn't it be sad for you to loose your new present?

'Having fun with you is far more important than a simple toy! And just imagine how huge the fish we catch could be. Everyone would be jealous of us!'

Now Ajax' smile matches yours. 'Alright. Lets call this 'Operation Fish; but extra large' then!'

- Another time -

'Oh no, Ajax, what happened?! You are bleeding!', you rush over to the hurt child.

'No it's not that bad, I just fell down that rock over there.'

'You're not authorized to refuse me. Coincidentally, I have medical supplies with me so this won't take long.'

Taking out the said supplies you disinfect the wound and cover it with a bandage. 'Tada! As good as new.'

Ajax stands up and moves a bit around. 'Wow, it already feels way better. You could be a good doctor in the future! But eh... why are you always so willing to help me? Aren't you getting tired of it?'

You shake your head. 'Never could I get tired of helping you. I am not doing this because I feel obliged to do it, but because friends help each other. Since you are my dearest friend I would never let you suffer alone!' You offer him your hand. 'We are friends forever, right?'

He takes your hand with a smile resting on his lips. 'Yes, forever and ever, I promise!'

'Forever and ever and ever...'

Knock, knock.


'(Y/N), you home? If you don't answer I will use my spare key to get in.'

'Since when do you have spare keys?!'

'Since we were kids. You gave me them when we had a discussion about people possibly dying in their homes, remember?'

Rumbling is audible inside the house and the door opens. 'Could you give me the keys then? If I die inside here I don't want you to be the person who finds my corpse.'

Childe puts a finger to is lower lip and pretends to think. 'Only if you let me in for a while.'


Both of you take a seat in your kitchen.

'So, what is it that you want this time?'

'I want a simple talk.'

'I can't imagine that any talk with you could be 'simple'.'

The male sighs. '(Y/N) please, just this one time.'

'Alright, talk then.'

'The thing that I said earlier, the thing about second chances and retrying, I really meant it. I genuinely don't want our friendship to crumble down.'

'You should have thought about that way earlier. YOU are the one who caused the damage, not me.'

'What did I do that you would change that much?'

Hitting the table you stand up. 'Change is an important point. Ever since you fell down the Abyss, things went south with you! You became a fúcking maniac, sociopath or whatever people like you are called! The constant desire to fight and to get stronger. The fact that your own family send you to the Fatui in hopes that this could normalize you. But no, you still risk your life on a daily basis just for a good fight! And for the longest time I didn't even know about that! You lied to me without a second a second thought and still do it to Teucer!'

Now Childe is starting to get angered too. 'He is a child! Why should he need to know that his older brother is a bad guy? The same goes for you! I was just protecting you!'

'Of what? The truth? One day every lie will crumble down and when the person is aware that everything was a mere illusion created by you, they are even more devastated than if you told them right away! Childe, don't you see that the rift between us is already too big as that we could fix it? Just let it fúcking go!'

'NO! We promised each other that we will stay together forever! If you despise liars that much then don't be one yourself!', your former friend leans over the table in the same way you do now.

'Give me my keys and get out of my goddamn house, now.'

'We're not done yet!'

'We ARE.', you approach the male and try to take the keys he has in his left hand.

'I don't think so.'

To create some distance he pushes you away, but against his intentions you slip and hit the chair behind you with your head.

Silence once again. Childe looks with disbelieve at your motionless body. '...(Y/N)...? Are you ok..?'

He kneels down to you and gently shakes you. 'Please wake up. I didn't want this, so please wake up. I will go away and leave the keys if you want, but please wake up!'

Tears that haven’t fallen for years escape his eyes in masses. Since he can still feel your pulse he takes you and puts you in your bed in hopes that you awake again.

After hours of torturing waiting, your eyes slowly open up. 'Where... am I?'

'(Y/N), you are alive, thank you!'

'...(Y/N), is that my name?'

Both of you stare at each other. 'You... don't remember who you are? ...What else did you forget?'

You look at the ceiling trying to recall anything. 'Ehh... I think that I can't remember anything... Does my head hurt because I hit it or something? And who are you? I am so sorry...'

'A second chance...'

He takes your hand and smiles comforting. 'No, you don't have to apologize. I am Ajax, your best friend. When I wanted to visit you today, I found you unconscious on the floor next to the stairs. If you want, I can help you to live your normal life again, even if the memories never return.'

Your innocent smile shines brightly. 'Yes, that would be kind of you.'

'I know that the old you hated liars, but I will make sure that your new you will never see this illusion crumble down...'

I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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