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Aimee groaned to herself as she woke up the sound of banging at the door

"what the hell" she said as she groaned into her pillow as warren stood up and walked to the door. 

Aimee lay there for a moment as she stood from the bed and walked to the bedroom doorway as warren answered the door as two police officers walked inside and pushed him against the wall

"warren fox your are under arrest for murder. Anything that you say will be used as evidence in a court of law" one of the police officers said as they cuffed warren. Aimee looked to him in shock as warren looked to her and frowned

"Aimee I swear it's not true I didn't do anything i swear look I swear on my life I am innocent it's a misunderstanding" warren said as Aimee looked to him and sighed. She didn't know what to think.

She knew it was all a mess and she had no idea what to think or could she could trust but she knew that she was scared. She knew warren had a past and he wasn't entirely innocent but she hoped this time he was
Aimee sat in the flat as she heard a knock at the door. She stood up and answered it as she saw Alexis and smiled

"I got your message I wanted to see if your okay" Alexis said as Aimee looked to her and smiled

"I have been better it was six in the morning and they dragged him out it's been six hours and I haven't heard anything bad I don't know if I should be worried or what as I have heard nothing. I know warren and he is far from angel heck I have got involved in a few things but I love him and I know he hasn't killed anyone. He is into a lot but her firms that go around killing people and of he did it would have to be an accident" Aimee said as Alexis looked to her sister and smiled.

She could see that she was distracted and she was worried over her sister. Alexis took a hold of her hand and smiled

"I know it's scary but you are not alone and I am here for you and you will get through it" Alexis said as Aimee smiled hoping she was right and hoping warren had nothing to do with the whole situation as she knew what he was capable of

Aimee stood in the village as a taxi pulled up and warren stood from it. They held eye contact as she walked over to him and smiled

"I told you I didn't do it" he said as Aimee looked to him and smiled

"and I didn't think that you did I was just worried" Aimee said as he pulled her close and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"I know but it will be okay. You don't need to worry" warren said as he leant in and kissed her.

She kissed him back and smiled. She suddenly paled as she heard what sounded like a car backfiring and looked to him and paled as she saw that she was bleeding.

Warren looked to her and paled as he realised that she had been shot but who would shot her and would she be okay?

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