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Aimee sighed to herself as she stood in the club with her boyfriend warren, she looked to him and sighed "please warren, can we do something. I'm bored and it's driving me mad" she said as warren looked to her and smiled "I can't babe, I have this place to run" he said as she looked to him and glared "it's always this place isn't it, I will always be second best" she spat as she went to walk off. He grabbed her arm and pulled her close and smirked "you know that everything that I do is for you, I love you aims and it's all for you" he said as she looked to him and smirked "prove It" she spat as she went to walk off as me grabbed her waist and pulled her close as he leant in and kissed her "I'll prove it to you princess don't you worry, go and treat yourself" he said as he handed her some cash.

She took it from him and looked to him and smirked "this doesn't mean that your buying me. All it means that I'm bored and I'm going to buy something sexy to seduce you in" she said as he looked to her and smirked as he pulled her close and leant in and kissed her "oh I can't wait" he said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him "I love you" Aimee said as he looked to her and smiled "I love you too princess" warren said as she walked off. Brendan Walked out of the office and looked to warren "careful foxy, you wouldn't want Aimee caught up in this" Brendan said as warren looked to him "stay away from Aimee, she is in this as deep as I am and I won't let you hurt her" warren spat


Aimee got to the club and smirked as she saw warren. She saw a trench coat as he looked to her and smirked "are you alone and able to give your girlfriend some attention?" She asked as she undid the trench coat that she was wearing revealing the red Lacey underwear that she was wearing, he looked to her and smirked as he grabbed her waist and pulled her close as they kissed passionately. He lifted her up so that she sat on the bar as he ran his hands up her thighs "you look good in this but you'd be better without it" he said as he removed her thong as she pulled him close undoing his belt as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her


Aimee smirked as she looked to warren as he got redressed it in the limited clothes that she got. Brendan walked into the club and smirked as he looked to them "naughty foxy" he said as he walked into the office. Aimee looked to warren and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. Warren placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her "don't worry it's my club and I can have sex with my girl if I want we will be okay" warren said as Aimee smiled having no idea how she would be getting into trouble because of him

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