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Aimee woke up in bed next to warren and smiled as she turned to face him. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he pulled her close and kissed her

"Morning" he said as she moaned into the kiss as she pulled away and looked to him

"We're okay aren't we?" Aimee asked as warren smiled as he rolled over so that he was lying on top of her. He rested a hand on her cheek and smiled

"We are okay. As long as you trust me as I swear that you don't have any thing to worry over" warren said as she pulled him Close and kissed him

Aimee knew that she was having her doubts over her relationship with warren but she knew how much that she loved him

"I trust you but if you even think over looking at another girl or cheating on me I will kill her and I will make sure you can't use that thing between your legs again" Aimee said as warren looked to her and smirked

"Well I better be careful. Besides you know how much that you love it" he said as he started to kiss her neck causing her to moan. She dug her nails into his back as they kissed passionately

He ran his hands up her thighs and pulled her close as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moaned in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her as she rolled her head back and bite her lip

Aimee walked into the village as she saw Alexis and smiled as she met up with her

"How are things with you and warren did we sort it out?" Alexis asked as Aimee looked to her and smiled

"I think that we did. I just told him if he ever kills me he will learn to regret it and he knows what I'm capable of" Aimee said as Alexis looked to her and rolled her eyes

"It's a good job you two love each other or I swear you'd kill each other. It's nice to see you have that sort of passion I mean not that what me and Patrick have got isn't great but you know" Alexis said as Aimee looked to her sister and smiled

"Every couple is different lex. I mean warren and I will kill each other 5/7 days a week but I know I'd kill for him and I know that deep down you and Patrick would do that Same" Aimee said as Alexis looked to her and smiled

Aimee got back to the flat and looked to see warren and smiled as he walked over to her

"Are you okay. You seem in a weird mood" she asked as he smiled

"I'm okay. I was just thinking over us and all we have been through and we'll. what if we have a baby?" He asked

Aimee looked to him and frowned. She was shock. She didn't expect him to suggest that they have a baby but could Aimee and warren really have a baby knowing how they didn't have the most normal of relationships

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