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Aimee sat in the flat, she was still recovering from being shot but she was glad that she was finally out of the hospital.

Aimee looked as warren walked out of the bedroom and looked to her and smiled

"are you okay here I have to go to the club for like an hour to so and I'll pick up so dinner for us" warren said as he placed a hand in Aimee check as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm fine,look you go and do whatever you have to okay. I am Fine" Aimee said as Warren looked to her and smiled as he leant in and kissed her. He walked to the door and answered it to see Diane

"it's your mum I'll see you later" warren said as Aimee sighed, she looked as warren walked off as Diane walked in

"what are you doing here" Aimee asked as Diane looked to her "

"you were shot, we need to talk over you and warren" Diane asked as Aimee sighed

"what about it" Aimee asked already knowing where this conversation was going

"you need to end it Aimee" Diane said s Aimee sighed

"no I love warren look back off okay if you can't be happy for me then go" Aimee said

Aimee sat in the flat and smiled as she saw Alexis as she walked in

"how was your dirty weekend away" Aimee asked as Alexis looked to her and rolled her eyes

"it wasn't a dirty weekend that's more your and warrens thing it was a romantic weekend away" Alexis said as Aimee looked to her and smirked

"yeah in the bedroom, least mum isn't inputting in your relationship" Aimee said as Alexis smiled

"you know it's cause she worried I mean you got shot" Alexis said as Aimee nodded

"i know that, I do and I know that she worried but warren isn't to plan for It. He's  there for me and he loves me he didn't shot me and I just wish she'd get that, he feels bad enough I don't need her interfering" Aimee said as Alexis looked to her and smiled

"I get that it's hard, I do but you are warren are good together and you are strong don't let her come between you I mean you have bee through so much" Alexis said as Aimee smiled.

Aimee hoped that she was Right as she didn't want Diane to try and come between her and warren again

Aimee smiled as warren walked into the flat

"I got us food, how are you feeling" he asked as Aimee smiled

"I'm okay, I missed you" she said as he waled over to her and kissed her

"well I'm not going anywhere I'm going to sit with you and we can watch whatever you want" he said as he sat next to her.

Aimee looked to him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him as he pulled her close and smiled

He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close but could he keep her safe despite everything that had happened?

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