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A/n; Alexis O'Connor and any kiddies she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Aimee sighed to herself as she stood in the bedroom getting dressed as she looked to warren as he lay in bed watching her. She picked up her bra and sighed as she saw it had been ripped as things between her and warren got heated between them "this is my favourite, your going to have to buy me another one" Aimee said as warren looked to her and smirked "well if you didn't burn my ten grand I could of bought you all that you wanted" he said as she looked to him and glared "what with your dodgy money and end up in a police station like I did. I did you a favour by burning that money and you know it" Aimee said as warren looked to her and sighed "I don't like how you think you can change me" he said as Aimee looked to him and rolled her eyes

"I don't, there is no changing you like you can't change me but I am not going to apologise or have this same fight with you. My head is battered and I am sick of fighting and making up over the same thing. So decide what you really want" Aimee said as he looked to her and sighed. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to him so that she was sitting next to him. He brushed her hair out of her face and smiled "I love you, I know you do and I know you love me but we are fighting and I think we need a break. Maybe you can go to your mums for a bit" he said as she looked to him and glared "fine, I'll go to my mums but of we're taking a break and I learn your shagging anyone I'll cut it off" Aimee spat as she grabbed a load of her stuff and stormed off


Aimee was fuming. She didn't like how Warren had just told her that they should have a break. She hated how he always thought like he was the one in control. She wasn't having it anymore. Warren Fox would soon learn to not mess with her.

Diane walked in and saw Aimee and frowned "what are you doing here?" She asked as Aimee looked at her "me and Warren took a break. He's a jerk" she said. Diane rolled her eyes she was annoyed with all the drama that Aimee and Warren had "the two of you need to get a grip. I don't need this stress while I've got the twins to think about"

Aimee rolled her eyes "it's always the twins isn't it? Maybe I need my mum at times too. I love Ant and DeeDee, but since you had them, there's no room for anyone else. Sort it out mum or you'll lose me for good. I will go and I won't come back" "you're being stupid now Aimee"

Aimee nodded "you're just like Warren, you don't like it when nothing goes your way. You don't even let Tony get a say in what happens with the twins . It has to be your way or no way"


Aimee saw Warren with a blonde in the village. She was fuming. They hadn't even been separated a day and he was with someone else. She was going to kill him and she would make sure no one ever found him.

Aimee grabbed her phone and text him;

I'm not blind you dick. I can see you with Sienna. Asshole - Aimee

Once she sent the text, she walked off. She thought to herself, 'if Warren can get his dick wet, I can entertain someone else'

Aimee smirked to herself. She was going to make Warren pay. Aimee sighed to herself as she grabbed her phone and rang her sister "lex, it's me. Come home" Aimee said as she left a message for her sister the only one she could trust right now

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