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A/N: This too was started in the middle of the night and then finished the next day, when I could actually think straight. Maybe I'll write some smut for him some day, Idk...

"Why do you always stay with me?" Shigaraki asked.

"What's that supposed to mean? Do you not want me to?" you turned to look at him and crossed your arms.

"It's not that... Fucking forget I asked..."

"Oh no, you're not gonna get out of this that easily" you said and sat down next to him on the couch. "So, you asked, why do I stay with you?"

"I told you to just forget it" Shigaraki groaned.

"Well, why do you think I stick around?" you asked with a smirk.

"Because you get paid?"

"Fuck off, you really think I'm with you for money?" you actually sounded offended at his suggestion.

"Why else?"

"It's because I like you, To-mu-ra" you made sure to emphasize his name.

"Like I'd buy that" he said, but he didn't look at you.

What the hell was happening? He had always considered whatever was going on between the two of you just something casual, but now you were coming out with this. He had no fucking clue what to think.

"I. Like. You" you repeated, whispering it annoyingly close to his ear.

"Aaaargh, enough with the bullshit" he growled, bolting up from the couch and grabbing you by the wrists, pinning you to the couch. He was holding you with both hands and all fingers, but nothing was happening, he finally had the fine control down.

"Hehe, finally, some reaction" you snickered defiantly.

Shigaraki was hovering over you and breathing surprisingly heavily for such a small action. You licked your lips and quickly freed one of your hands and grabbed him by the hair. You weren't really sure if he would just go along with what you wanted, but it was certainly worth a try. You were just about to bring his lips to yours when you were interrupted by the door slamming open.

"What the fuck? Get a room" you heard Dabi say as he entered the room.

"Fuck off, you ashtray bitch" you growled, while still holding Shigaraki by the hair. "Seriously, go away" you groaned at Dabi.

Shigaraki took advantage of your attention being elsewhere and freed his hair from your grip.

"Come" he said as he stood up, still holding your wrist. It wasn't a request, it was a command.

You got up and followed Shigaraki to the adjoining room. You gave Dabi the finger, before being pulled through the door and having it slam shut behind you. You were pushed against the door and Shigaraki pinned your hands above your head, his other hand rose to your throat. He wasn't hurting you, he was being assertive, which you didn't mind at all.

"Why must you tease me like this" he asked with a raspy voice, looking you in the eyes.

His eyes looked wild and needy, you gulped. It's not like you hadn't been in this situation before, but he looked a lot more hungry than usual. He was running his fingers along your neck, and staring at you in the eyes the whole damn time.

Shigaraki wasn't really sure what had come over him so suddenly, all he knew was that in that moment, he really wanted you, and he would have you any way you'd let him

"Tomura I-" you weren't going to argue with him, but he seemed to think that way.

"No, you started this, see it through" he interrupted.

"Gladly" you smirked.

You freed your hands, since he wasn't really even holding them down that hard. You pushed him to the closest chair and, and sat in his lap with your legs on his sides. You were both breathing heavily with anticipation, and Tomura for one couldn't take it any longer. Now it was his turn to grab you by the hair, he brought your lips to his and kissed you.

Your head was spinning, and all you could think was that this was going to be a long night. Enjoyable, incredibly so no doubt, but long nonetheless.

Shigaraki TomuraWhere stories live. Discover now