A Mon-chan nightmare

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A/N: Some self-indulgent shit again. I blame myself for a lot of shit that has happened to me, and I feel like he would blame himself as well, (he did do some bad stuff he should feel guilty about but anyway), at least in this happier times AU. It's basically like Shiggy got away from AfO before ever attacking UA, and went on with his life trying to get better. I know that's about as far from what's going on in the anime/manga as can be but I feel like he deserved better

"Oi, lord Tomura, could you give me your attention for like two minutes" you groaned.

Shigaraki was just scrolling on his phone, with his legs on your lap and his head leaning against the armrest of the couch.

"No" he muttered and kept scrolling on his phone.

You sighed very loudly, before snatching the phone out of his hands, and placing it on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"What the fuck?!" Shigaraki growled loudly.

"I'm well aware you're unable to focus on two things at once, and I need to talk to you, hence the theft" you motioned at his phone.

"Fine, talk then" he sighed and leaned his head back to stare at the ceiling.

You figured this was the best you were going to get for this particular conversation.

You didn't really know how to start so you were just sort of gently kneading his right calf with your fingers. He didn't seem to mind, so you just kept doing it while figuring out how to approach the subject at hand.

"You've been having nightmares again, haven't you" it was more of a statement than a question.

"How would you know?" he scoffed.

"It's pretty obvious you know, you half-wakeup in a cold sweat almost every night, and even if you don't remember it, I do. I've been trying to calm you down each time, and you do eventually fall back to sleep, but you also thrash around quite a lot when you do sleep"

"So, what the fuck is it to you?"

"Tomura, you're precious to me and I wanna know what's bothering you so much"

Shigaraki didn't like talking about his past. What happened to his family, or what had happened to him in the years after that. It was all a very dark time for him.

"It's Mon-chan" he sighed, draping his arm over his eyes.

"Oh Tomura" you said gently.

You knew what he was talking about, and you knew he felt guilty about the things he had done in the past. It hadn't been his fault, he had been a kid.

"I didn't want to hurt him" he said quietly.

"I know that. It wasn't your fault"

"Whatever" -he let his arm fall off his face- "I don't wanna talk about it"

"It's okay, you don't have to" you said. "I just want you to know you're loved and that you don't have to go through anything like that ever again"

Shigaraki knew you loved him, but some days he had a hard time remembering that, or believing it. Sometimes he felt like he didn't deserve you, that he didn't deserve to be loved and cared for because of what he'd done.

You knew that he sometimes forgot that you treasured him and you tried to show him everyday that you did. You loved him, flaws and all. He just needed reminders of it every now and then.

Shigaraki TomuraWhere stories live. Discover now