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"Hey! Are you listening to me?" he barks, my body cringing at the very tone he's using on me right now because it's a tone he uses on his victims. His meals.

"Yes, stalk the girl until I know her family are ready for the taking." I copy back, Emily's face coming to mind straight away and I'm instantly thinking of ways to run away and notify Emily what my father's intensions are.

"Good, so I won't have to worry about-"

"But the guy, what am I to do about him?" I cut across him, his mouth closing as a sadistic smile slides across his thin lips.

"I'm sure we'll figure that out when the time comes. I have contacts all over remember, so if he's in the same location as that girl, then I'm sure my contacts will be able to take care of his family if they are to come looking for him. Now anymore questions?" he commands with arms folded tightly against his chest as his wife comes waltzing in to the lounge room to hand him his beer.

"Thanks, now go and do as I say. You haven't spoken to this girl long so I can't see you creating any feelings for her." he states though it's more of a warning.

It is true, I haven't met her many times yet I feel a connection alright. I felt it even stronger when I saw Jake hit her in front of her sister, I lost my shit though I had my friends to help contain me and my rage.

Even when he would bring countless unconscious girls home, I never felt the repulsion and urge to refuse of his orders like I do now when ordered to carry out the task of stalking Emily.

"Alright, I'll see you later." I grumble then take off, my fists clenched the entire time up until I hear a voice in the woods surrounding the cabin Emily and her family are staying in.

"You're what?' the male hisses, my eyes scanning around the darkness to make sure it's just me and this guy alone to figure out who it is and what's going on.

"Calm down Kimmy, I'll be home as soon as I can. But I can't tell my parents and Emily can't find out alright?" he hisses, my intense gaze making out the figure and face of Jake under the moonlight and I'm instantly seeing red.

Not only does this cunt beat her, but he's also cheating on her! Maybe my father can help deal with the consequences of this pricks family when they come knocking, because that's pretty much what he fucking told me in the end anyway. I kill Emily and her family then I kill Jake, it's just I haven't gotten around to Emily nor her family yet and I intend on keeping it that way.

Him making another phone call halts all movements of going in for the kill, the guy waiting a few seconds before hearing the word "Mum" leaves his mouth.

"Yeah you know how I asked you to stay at the motel half an hour away from here in case I wanted to go home because of the shit with Kimmy?" he demands shakily while casting his eyes around the darkness, fully unaware that I'm listening in to what he's doing behind Emily's back.

"Well I want to come home now, I need to. Shit's gone down and I need to see-"

"It doesn't matter Mum, please just come!"

Texting a few of Dad's men he gave me to get in touch with after I carried out the task of giving him the go ahead to take out Emily and her family, I let them know that I'm able to take out the boyfriend only I need their help.

Thanks to the brilliant idea I formed in my head about point five seconds ago, I'm going to wait until the parents get here to take him out.

I get an instant reply telling me they'll be less than fifteen minutes away. So notifying them that they have over half an hour yet it's still wise to get here early, I stalk Jake's next move and find that he refuses to go back to the cabin.

So I assume something has happened between him and Emily and I can't shake the urge to drop what I'm doing to go and find her, yet I can't because I don't want to risk blowing my cover.

Readying myself for a long wait in the cold and dark, I'm forced to endure more sickening conversations between him and his mistress Kimmy, the big secret they share still a mystery to me because the cunt won't say it out loud and I'm not close enough to the phone to hear what's being said.

What feels like an hour and my backup arrives just in time for Jake's parents along with a few of their friends, my brain actually considering me lucky due to the fact that if I had of tried on my own, there could have been a possibility they would have killed me due them appearing to be on some type of drug or drugs. You never know with these people.

"I need to come home; I don't think Emily and I are working out." Jake confesses in a hushed voice as he and his parents glance around to see if they're being listened in to.

"Alright honey we will get you home tonight if you want, how are you going to get your things out without notifying them?" the Mum whispers as they start making their way towards the cabins, though when I start to follow their movements, something else catches my eye and I instantly freeze.

It's Emily, watching the whole thing go down with Jake and his parents and she looks absolutely heartbroken, shattered and she appears to wish she was never born right now. How I know is because I've seen it on many girl's faces when I dump them after months of trying to make it work, though it won't because I don't feel that connection I do with Emily.

Creeping up behind her, the only thing I can think to do right now to save her from seeing what's about to happen is knock her out.

It pains me to think like that towards her but I can't risk her seeing my face when this shit goes down, so sneaking right up behind her, I take a steadying breath before reaching for her shoulders.

"You shouldn't be here." I blurt before smacking her hard in the back of the head with my elbow in one fluent swing. 

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