Woo-hoo! Car Trip!

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"You ready to go Em?" Mum asks as she comes waltzing into my smallish yet liveable room, her pale watery blue eyes beaming with excitement due to it being her first time going to the snow.

"Yeah Mum, just making sure Jake's ready for when we go past his place to pick him up." I inform her as I grab the last of my shit to throw into our seven seater they hired for the trip, I mean a ute wouldn't be enough for my Mum, Stepdad Cam as well as sister Lucy and my boyfriend Jake.

So taking in my double bed with light wooden bedside drawers complimenting both sides, the gun metal grey carpet spotted with a few stains here and there from past spillages as well as the cream walls, beige blackout curtains and twenty inch flatscreen mounted on the wall opposite the bed, I close the door before making my way through the hallway and outside to the car.

Lucy's already in the car with her items packed neatly in the boot, mine joining hers before I'm in the backseat with my headphones already in and music resuming from where I left off, Mum and Cam now in the car and heading out the gravel driveway with an unknown conversation going on between the both of them.

Looking at the empty backseat with my ass seated in the other one considering the very back consists of two, Lucy's in the front with her head buried in her phone and looking like she's giggling away at some meme she found on Facebook.

Getting on my phone, I text Jake to let him know we're coming, him replying a few minutes later insisting that he should be ready by the time we rock up to his place. So with that in mind I place my phone back into my pocket before looking out the side window occupying the left side of me, and watching as the trees and whatnot blur together as we zoom past them.


"Alright, go and get him." Mum states as we pull up out the front of his place, a smile spreading across my face as I leap over the seats and shoot out the backseat door, before doing a light jog up to his door and giving it a few light raps.

Waiting a few seconds his Mum answers the door, a thin woman whose life consists of Methamphetamines and a whole heaps of other drugs she's able to shoot up, before yelling out her son's name.

"Now make sure he's back the time and day you told me considering Burt and I have planned to take him and Riley out for dinner." she notifies me, my head nodding before my smile widens when I see Jake's goofy head.

"Alrighty, let's do this." I declare as he walks past his Mum with a bag full of shit for our trip to the snow, his mother trying to give him a hug only he brushes her off in favour of getting the fuck out of here.

"It's good to see you Jake." Cam says as he jumps out the car to help Jake put his shit in our almost packed boot, him mumbling a reply not even I catch before he's showed to his seat in the very back of the car next to me.

With us all being on the road again, Jake doesn't say much to me considering he's back buried in his phone, his headphones in as he drowns out the outside world and leaving me alone with my own thoughts.

Wondering what his issue is considering he didn't even give me a hug when he saw me let alone crack a smile, I brush it to the back of my head to deal with later as I look over his lanky six foot something form, ebony hair that used to be a wheat blonde and crystal blue eyes almost covered by a fringe and bangs with his bottom lip accompanied by snakebites.

His lean frame's clad in a pair of charcoal skinnies, matching skater shoes as well as a band shirt and hoodie over the top.

The hood's up and his thumbs are through the holes of his hoodie, his teeth chewing hard at the thumbnail he had been previously gnawing on, due to the freshly dried blood.

Grabbing his hand once he's done texting someone on his phone, he gives me a small smile, only to look out the window and let go of my hand in favour of texting on his phone again. I don't know why but I feel a little upset that he isn't his usual I guess you would say, clingy self. So I let it go and put it under as him having a bad day before drowning out to my music. 

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