Hello, Who's This?

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Arriving at the restaurant, we all pile out of the car and for the first time Jake doesn't have his phone on him, due to being back at the cabin on charge. Right now is the chance to get a proper answer out of him as to why he is spending so much time on his phone.

Walking up to the entrance of the restaurant, I take in the woods towering up from behind the stone building, the stones a mixtures of browns and matching the tiling on the roof, the atmosphere snug and welcoming due to the fire burning bright in the back of the building as we enter.

The place is carpeted in a nice auburn colour, the walls a nice cream and the lighting fixtures giving off a dull yet nice glow upon the round tables set out all over the place.

To the far right is a bar with the kitchen being at the front of the restaurant, the waitresses going in and out of the large ivory doors with metal strips at the bottom, so the doors aren't soiled by dirty boot marks.

Located at the very back is a pokies area, the seats in the darkened room occupied mainly by older patrons of the place.

The seats in the eating area of the place also heavily occupied, making the atmosphere seem that little more lively considering Jake seems to be sucking the life out of me with his dull mood.

Making our way up to the serving desk, we are given our table as well as menus before walking to table twenty-three and taking our seats. With Jake next to me, Lucy at the end of the table to the left and Mum and Cam on the opposite sides of Jake and I, we are quiet for a few moments as we cast our eyes down the food they have to offer on the menus.

Finally deciding on a risotto with Jake wanting a hamburger of some description, I hear Lucy mention something about a Parma before Mum and Cam decide on steaks for each other.

The lady finally takes our menus then our orders, Mum and Cam finally being able to make a run for it to the bar and ordering drinks for all of us.

"So, you finally want to talk or do you want to use my phone to go back onto your world of Facebook?" I offer sarcastically, Jake rolling his eyes and mumbling something about the toilet then walking off.

Letting out a sigh, I rest my chin in my hands and not long after I feel Lucy's gaze on me, my eyes flickering over into her direction as a small forced smile appears across my face.

"What's his issue?"

"I don't know but he has been like that all day."

"Maybe he secretly didn't want to go."

"Maybe, I dunno."

The conversation stops when Mum and Cam come back with the drinks and ask the whereabouts of where Jake went. Telling them he's in the toilet, they question his mood and that if he really didn't want to come he could have said no.

"I don't know, I mean he said he got fuck all sleep last night but I don't think that's it." yet the conversation halts due to Jake coming back, his head down and dragging his feet back to our table.

"So Jake, how's everything been since we last saw you?" Mum comments with a beaming smile and running a lily white hand through her damp amber hair, Jake shrugging his shoulders before stating something along the lines of "good yet tired".

"Well maybe you should have gone to bed earlier." Cam grins at the guy he has a lot of time for, meaning he likes to joke around with him when Jake isn't being a fuck face.

"Maybe." is all Jake says, not even bothering to look up at Cam while he takes a lengthy sip of his alcoholic beverage.

To be honest I feel embarrassed that he's acting the way he is considering if I knew he was going to be like this, I would have told him to stay home considering I don't want my parents wasting money on the morbid fuck.

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