Jake's Hell

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Arriving at the cabin resort type thing, we park our car before heading into reception to check-in; my eyes taking in the cabin feel it has while the snow lightly falls past the windows that lookout to a heavily wooded area, all around.

"Now you guys are aware of the theme park we have going on a few hundred meters up the road? It has a part in the mountains where you can explore as well as a lift to take you up over the mountains to see the beautiful view we have to offer as well as some other fun activities you can enjoy. Or for the parents there's a spa and relaxation place for you if you want to get away from the kids." the young lady reaching into her early thirties, explains, her eyes the colour of the woods that surround us and hair unnaturally orange with the alabaster skin to go with it.

Her locks are tied back and clad in a cream sweater type thing with a pair of baby blue skinny jeans, thick looking hiking boots, and a chunky hooded rain coat hung up on a coat peg behind the mahogany desk.

"Thank you, I will make sure we take a look and have a squiz around before we do leave." Cam assures her then gives Mum a look as if to say "I'm down for that" before we're given our room keys and instructions to where our cabin will be.

Looking at Jake, he hasn't taken his eyes off of his phone ever since getting in the car with me and my family, so I know for a fact that something's up and I want to know why the fuck he has been practically avoiding me since making eye contact with me.

Making it to our cabin which Jake and I are to share with my sister who's only half a year younger than me, we are told that we're going out for dinner tonight considering there was a cute little restaurant we passed on the way here, that's only a few hundred meters or so up the road.

So being given time to settle in and make sure everything is unpacked, I take this opportunity to ask Jake what his issue is, only I lock up a little when I see he hasn't even began to unpack his things let alone acknowledge I'm even staring at him.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, you haven't really said anything to me or my family let alone realise that I'm even here."

That stops him considering he has finally pried his eyes off of the phone to look at my cocked hip and folded arms.

"I'm fine, just didn't get enough sleep that's all."

Going back to his phone, I only sigh before unpacking his things for him considering we could be here all night, only to finally move on to getting myself ready and that, I take my time on.

The place is all wood, the living room slash dining room floorboarded with nice yet fake animal skins underneath the cute coffee table adjacent to the large flatscreen mounted to the wooden wall, the couch a nice burnt sienna colour to match the wooden walls as well as the dining table being enough to seat four people, at.

With the walls completed with nice paintings from stunning views of the snowy mountains we have here in Australia and other foresty slash woodsy type pictures, not to mention the kitchenette having all the required utensils to make a pleasant stay.

Thanks to Lucy and her kind heart, she has given both Jake and I the double bed in the larger room out of the two, the floorboards being replaced with a soft yet eggshell coloured carpet and two nightstands with fake animal skin lamps to add to the feel.

Lucy's room is similar to mine and Jake's room, only hers is a single bed with different paintings hanging up on the walls accompanied with only one night stand, and a small set of drawers for her clothes with matching tan blackout curtains that are exact replicas of the ones in my room.

Finally heading into the small cute bathroom, I see that is only has a toilet and shower but no paintings apart from plain alabaster tiles and a mocha shower mat.

A small towel rack mounts the wall along with a basin and cupboard underneath, and small mirror fixed on the wooden wall.

Stripping my Docs, light skinnies, long sleeve, bulky coat and beanie, I stand in front of the mirror and fixate my gaze on my raven hair which was a naturally mousy brown with golden streaks and other browns through it.

My fringe covers my eyebrows and bangs as well as snakebites, a septum piercing and over twenty mill stretchers in both ears, I find myself taking out my piercings for the first time since I got them and that was over six years ago.

Though I leave my stretchers in due to them being the only non-pain in my ass, with having to constantly track down new balls considering the amount of times they'll come off.

Finding myself not regretting the decision, I find my eyes trailing down my fair skin and hook my gaze upon the scars I have given myself over the years, thanks to past histories of pain and other emotions I refused to deal with in different ways.

Running my hands down my arms and legs to feel their bumpy and puckered texture, I let out a sigh before jumping into the now running water, my mind wondering how Jake could like someone like me.

Washing all of the things I call negative about myself down the drain with the semi-dirty water of today's adventure in the car as well as packing, I finally get out and see the jewellery that was once in my face, now lying there helplessly on the basin's bench before swiping them into the trashcan beside the toilet.

"Might as well get rid of them now instead of never." I say more to myself when I feel the slightly chipped parts of my teeth due to years of biting on the metal rings or bars I would have through my bottom lip.

Flinging my locks up with a towel after drying the rest of my body off, I throw on a pair of clean underwear as well as socks and bra, taupe skinnies and charcoal Docs.

Next is a clean alabaster long sleeve shirt, an army green thick coat over the top with caramel brown fluff around the rim of the hoodie, and specks of black strands through the fur.

Brushing my dampish hair into its usual style with the fringe sweeping across the brows and bangs in their place, I part my hair at the back and bring it to the front, my black beanie that hangs down at the back by an inch or so with a matching large pompom on top and sitting nicely on my head.

With my pale hazel eyes staring back at me and agreeing that I look as good as I'm going to get, I exit the bathroom just in time for my sister to walk in, her slightly taller frame looking down on me before a smile spreads across her face.

"Your piercings, they're gone." she registers as she enters the foggy bathroom.

"Yeah, they were beginning to annoy me." I half-smile, her deep chocolate pools blinking a few times then closes the door after a few more comments.

Unlike me, my sister kept her natural hair colour only hers is a shade darker in the brownish blonde section, with more golden strands through hers.

Her skin however being more olive than mine which she has our father's Italian genes to thank, she also has a curvier figure than I and taller by an inch and a half.

That and her beauty spot on her face a few inches above the corner of her mouth is a little darker than mine and on the opposite side.

Going in and seeing if Jake's having a shower, I see he hasn't moved from the spot on the bed when we first arrived, his head still buried in his phone and one headphone in with some type of metal band playing and just making it to my ears.

"You getting dressed or what Jake?"

"I am I'm just waiting for you."

With my eyes scanning up and down his outfit he came here in, I only sigh before telling myself I better see how Mum and Cam are going with their mission on getting ready. 

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