Missed Calls

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The next day I'm woken to Lucy banging on our door announcing that Mum wants us up, my eyes cracking open and surprising myself when the first thing that comes to mind is that guy Luke I saw last night, and how I couldn't keep my eyes off of him to save my life.

Jumping in the shower while Jake's still passed out, I slip on my clothes I had prepared yesterday before we left, then head out to see how Lucy's going while watching as she exits her room at the same time as me.

"Well I see that you're ready also." she greets with a grin, only to drop it when she doesn't see Jake with me.

"Don't worry, he won't be far behind." I state and go back into the room to wake him up.

"Fuck, I'm up." he snaps, my mind automatically thinking that he was most likely up all night on his phone.

So while he's in the shower I get on my phone and see his posts on Facebook, the last one being at three sixteen this morning.

Not wanting to start an argument, I turn the TV on in the living room slash dining room before Jake finally comes out twenty minutes later with dark rings under his eyes, damp hair and almost the same clothes only different in slightly different ways.

Locking the place up and meeting Mum and Cam outside their place, we knock on the door with Mum answering it five seconds later, Cam not far behind her.

"Alrighty then, let's get this party started." Cam announces then we're in the car suitable for the snowy terrain, and backing out of the car park and down the road to where this supposed theme park type place, is.

Once we get there Mum and Cam are already out and heading towards the small building situated near the front entrance. Turns out it's an information place as well as place to buy food and whatnot from.

Finding a cute souvenir of a native animal that's commonly seen around these parts of the snowy mountains, we finally head out to explore the place, the snowfall not as heavy today but enough to cake the roof of the place and some cars that have seem to be here only an hour or more.

"So Cam and I thought we would explore that spa thing they have going on here while you kids have some fun by yourselves. So make sure you keep your phones on you at all costs and ring us if you get yourself lost or in trouble." Mum instructs when we stand outside the building similar looking to the reception building at the cabin place they're staying at, before they're off.

"What did you guys have in mind?" I ask while Jake is on his phone, no surprise, and Lucy too busy casting her eyes around to even register what I have said.

"Hello, guys?" I try again when I get no reply.

"Oh, I thought we could go on that hike through the inside of the mountain." Lucy suggests, Jake still not caring what I have to say as I sigh and nod my head.

"Wait, isn't that where your parents are going for that spa thingy?" Jake questions and just reaching halfway to the mountain's entrance and for some reason slowing our pace.

"No, they went the opposite way. But if you got your eyes off of your phone screen for five minutes, then maybe you would have already known that." Lucy replies in a snarky tone, her clearly over his shit just as much as I am and we haven't even spoken about it properly yet.

"Whatever Lucy you fat cun-"

"JAKE!" I shout while giving his arm a slap and causing him to drop his phone in the snow, which I instantly regret now because I'm on my ass in the wet snow and a stinging cheek, wondering what the fuck has just happened.

I look around me, embarrassed as well as a little dazed and find that no one apart from us three saw what went down, Jake not even helping me up as he snatches his phone and mumbles something along the lines of "it better work or you're fucking dead" then he's stalking off to what I assume is the nearest park bench covered in the least snow.

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