Where The Fuck Is My Phone?

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Not being able to find Jake, I begin convincing myself that he's back at the cabin already and I'm on a wild goose chase. So giving into my internal pleas for going back, I start my journey home before hearing familiar yet faint voices coming from somewhere to my far left.

Heading to where I think the voices are, I start to register who they are straight away as Jake's parents and him, my heart stopping when I hear what they have to say.

"I need to come home; I don't think Emily and I are working out." Jake confesses in a hushed voice while they all look around to see if they are being listened in to. I thank the trees covering my form considering I now get to know the truth of what Jake is really like, and how much of a coward he is for not being straight with me.

"Alright honey we will get you home tonight if you want, how are you going to get your things out without notifying them?" the Mum whispers as they start making their way towards the cabins, my hear racing when I slowly make my way behind them, only to freeze with the feeling of hands around my shoulders.

"You shouldn't be here." the voice snarls with the last thing I hear being the screams of Jake and his parents before I'm out cold.


I startle awake to my parents calling for me though Lucy sounds the closest. So waking up my voice I manage to shout back, my head pounding before the incidents of last night come rolling in.

With the sound of running footsteps, I look up to the dawning sky and close my eyes as a round of snow begins to fall.

Finally in the warm embraces of Mum, Cam, then Lucy, they are all demand what the fuck happened, yet when I'm about to answer I'm bombarded with more questions and I'm back to closing my mouth again.

"Look, Jake and I had a fight so we went separate ways which Lucy can vouch for. Later on after I cooled down, I thought he might have gone back to the cabin. I actually caught him and his parents talking about wanting to leave and break up with me, then that's the last I remember because I think someone knocked me out. Though I'm not sure I am still a little fuzzy on that part." I explain with tears threatening to break loose, but not for him, more for myself because I feel fucking stupid for thinking he actually cared for me.

"Do you remember anything else, like the person who might have done it? Was it Jake?" Cam insists as he gets up with the look of the devil in his face, his brain firing up and searching for where he thinks Jake might be.

"That's all I remember, as far as I'm concerned he might have gone back with his parents after I was attacked, I don't know but I know it wasn't him considering he wasn't near me when it happened." I explain in a level yet shaky tone, my eyes closing while I try and remember more, though I'm met with darkness.

"Well I'm just glad you're okay; let's get you back inside before you freeze to death. That and let's have a look at that wound on your head before it's too late." Mum orders when Cam helps me up as well as Lucy who's composed herself knowing I'm now okay.

"I knew you should have broken up with him." she mumbles with a sad smile when we make it back to the cabin, me returning the small smile and nodding my head.

"I know, but I guess I just needed time to word it and compose myself knowing he loves someone else. My words will mean nothing to him." I confess while running a hand through my hair.

Grabbing my hand she sits me down on a chair, her not letting go until Mum and Cam come back in to help suss out my head.

"The cut isn't wide or deep enough to stitch but there was a lot of blood. It will sting when you have a shower but it will heal up soon enough. I would also avoid shampooing and stuff as gross as that sound, just so it doesn't cause you pain." Mum adds and starts to clean up the mess of my bloody cotton tips and whatnot.

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