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We made it to the Sandlot and the boys were sitting in the dugout waiting for us. "What took you guys so long" Squints complained. "Sorry guys Y/n didn't wanna wake up" Benny said. "Whatever let's just play ball" I said grabbing the bat from Benny.

We played for a few hours but it started getting dark out so we had to get going. Me and Benny walked home. When we got to the house we saw the boy from this morning. I begged Benny not to talk to him but he did anyways. "Hey." Benny waved to the boy. "You must be new" Benny said to the boy that was sitting on the curb. "Uh yeah yeah I am. I just moved here this morning." He said "oh cool. What's your name?" Benny asked him. "Alan Mcclennan but I go by Yeah-yeah" he said. "Cool. I'm Benny and this is my sister Y/n" Benny said.

They talked for a while. "Hey sorry to ruin this "beautiful" moment but we need to get inside" I said interrupting the boys' conversation. "Oh ok well see you later Yeah-yeah" Benny said walking into the house after me. "Bye guys" Yeah-yeah yelled back as Benny closed the door behind him.

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