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《《Y/n POV》》

I picked up the letter Benny had slid under the door, telling me it was in the mail for me. I opened it and read it. It said :

Dear Y/n,

Hey..me again.
If your wondering why I like you so much, it's because you're not afraid to be who you are,
You're pretty,
You're funny,
You're weird (in a good way of course),
You're awkward sometimes..but that's ok :)
What I'm trying to say is..You're you..and I really really like you.

Love, your secret admirer

Right as I finish reading it Benny bursts into my room. "Is that another letter!?" He asks. "N-no!" I lie. "Yes it-" he sighs. "Nevermind" he says about to leave. "Wait!" I say as he turns around. "What?" He questions. "Y-you can read it" I say, handing him the letter. He reads it and looks kind of mad but I can't really tell.

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