Chapter 11 !

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(Y/n) slowly woke up. He came in contact with ropes... Ropes? What the heck happened?

He tried to rub his eyes, ..but his hands were stuck. (Y/n) was slowly trying not to freak out. Worst case scenario, he got kidnapped and is being used for some weird person who has mental problems and fantasizes about him. Oh wow, how specific.

Tamaki then came into (Y/n)s field of view, and shot him a soft and innocent smile. Clearly Tamaki was trying to go along with being innocent, and it was working. He really had (Y/n) believing that he got kidnapped and Tamaki was trying to help him. Though that doesn't add up if you really think about it. If this person also kidnapped Tamaki, wouldn't he be tied in ropes too? If he escaped from them he'd have rope burns obviously, but he still looked the same. Well, all the same except a gash by his lip.

"A-Amajiki?. What're y-you doing here..?" (Y/n)s voice came out as rather raspy, and it was hard for him to speak. Tamaki's innocent act wouldn't be believable for long.

"O-oh. Well you see pumpkin, this stranger actually brought me here. They said to keep an eye on you, and if I didn't, they'd y'know.... They also tried to knock me out but I quickly reacted. You noticed that gash by my lip, right?"

(Y/n) nodded. But really though, this wasn't making any darn sense. Why would they tell Tamaki to look out for (Y/n) if he already knows how to look out for himself? The reasoning isn't very great but it's alright. "Just in case you didn't escape,"  Tamaki had said to (Y/n). Sure, that seems convincing enough, I guess,  He thought.

Tamaki wasn't quite getting off the hook so easily with this one. He underestimated how smart (Y/n) really was, now that's just judge mental. And why the heck did he give (Y/n) the nickname pumpkin?

There were so many things going through (Y/n)s mind that he couldn't focus clearly on the present. Before he knew it, (Y/n) had felt a lingering sensation on his neck. He jerked his head in the direction he felt it from, and.. he didn't expect that.

Tamaki had bit his neck, giving him a red mark. Now this was just getting cringy, and (Y/n) obviously wanted to leave. There was still saliva on his neck even after Tamaki had pulled away. He brought his hand up to his mouth and chuckled a little. It wasn't a wholehearted chuckle though, it seemed more like an angry chuckle.


Tamaki stopped chuckling, then made eye contact with (Y/n). He hummed in response while licking his lips. (Y/n) was very uncomfortable sitting by him anymore, let alone being close to him.

"D-did you get the persons' name?" He asked, wanting an answer immediately. If (Y/n) didn't know who had kidnapped him then he wouldn't be able to properly get a scenario in his head ready for police to hear. Well, that's only if he'll make it that far.

"Oh uhm, I'm sorry I can't tell you. They told me to keep a secret, and I am a good boy~" Now this was so uncomfortable to (Y/n) that he really wanted to die rather than even listen to this man. Gosh, if only he knew how sick Tamaki really was.

"Fine then, have it your way." Tamaki hummed in displeasure. Now how did this situation change so abruptly?

"Hey (Y/n), want to play a game?" Tamaki asked him, which only made shivers crawl down his spine. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat before anything.

"U-uhm, I'll pass. Thanks for the offer though." Yeah, Tamaki really did underestimate how smart his beloved really was. Dang, he was even proud of how smart he could be. They could make millions telling their story world wide, of how someone kidnapped them and they escaped alive! No, Tamaki couldn't rat out himself like that. Besides (Y/n) might find out the truth, and Tamaki has too much evidence. Before making any plans he has to dispose of the items he used.

"You kind of make me mad, you know. Why won't you be cooperative with me for once?" Tamaki spoke, eyeing a knife on a table in the corner. He then dreamily looked back at (Y/n), but he wasn't stupid enough to belive that 'dreamy' look was real.

"I just think that if I talk to you, you might tell this person everything I say. I don't like it when people tell my secrets."

Obviously (Y/n) knew something was up. Tamaki was growing even more angry then before. But gosh darn, how could he not love his dear pumpkin. His uncontrollable love for (Y/n) was really making this hard. Tamaki honestly wanted to give up right about now.

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