Chapter 18

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(Y/n) had woken up to a bright room. It looked familiar to him, way too familiar..

"Pumpkin! You're awake!" Tamaki exclaimed, clapping his hands together. He smiled innocently toward (Y/n), which only had made him sigh.

Tamaki made a motion with his hands to the walls and floor, then pointed under (Y/n). He blinked before looking below himself.

A bed?, He thought. Just what the heck did Tamaki do while (Y/n) was out?

"I hope you like it! I painted the walls and added more lights! I also fixed the door, and installed cameras! Now I can watch you whenever and wherever! Hah, isn't that great (Y/n)?"

He just had to be dreaming. This couldn't be real. No no no no..

(Y/n) tried slapping himself, but it felt so real. He tried pinching himself, though he just quietly yelped. Why is this real life? Why isn't this just a dream? He had so many questions.

"Pumpkinnnn, are you okay? You spaced out for a while. Oh I forgot to mention, I brought a visitor!"

(Y/n)'s eyes were laced with fear. Tamaki even noticed it when he made eye contact a few times. Which made him wonder what he did wrong. Was it something he said or did?

"Hey hey, are you okay? You keep avoiding eye contact. Oh no, no, don't cry! Please sugar cookie! Don't cry.."

(Y/n) did start to cry. Nothing seemed real, nothing seemed fake. It was just like an illusion. He just wanted to get out of that place so desperately it really was driving him crazy. Especially when Tamaki would bug him like this, it only made him feel more frustrated.

"Just l-leave me alone.!"

Tamaki wasn't surprised. He nodded then proceeded to leave the torture chamber, making sure to shut the door quietly on his way out. He really didn't want to see his beloved like this. Well, nobody did really.

(Y/n) continued to cry. His sobs only grew louder and louder which echoed throughout the whole house. Tamaki flinched at every sob too, they made his heart ache. Maybe he shouldn't have done anything to the chamber.

Before he knew it, (Y/n) was out like a light. It only took a few more minutes before his sobs faded. His sniffles were the only thing that bugged Tamaki. They still made him flinch, but only because they were faint.  Tamaki could barely even hear them but still managed to flinch. Why was he worrying this much? Maybe because his sugar cookie had been crying a lot more now. It's almost everyday too.

ethereal. ✔︎  t. amajikiWhere stories live. Discover now