Chapter 21

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"I'm very delighted that you respect some of my decisions, I really am! I'm so happy I could practically burst into a million pieces of myself! But really my love, really, all I have to say is WHAT!?!?"

Amajiki had yelled, gripping (Y/n)'s hand tighter. He had almost started sobbing, but came to a halt when (Y/n) spoke.

"I am sorry. I just, i just don't really like what you do. I could also say the same thing witー"

(Y/n) untangled his hand with Amajiki's, glancing down at his abdomen. His breath hitched while he brought his hands to hold the knife jabbed in him. He just blankly started at the blood gushing out of himself, no expression of pain whatsoever.

"What... What the hell, Amajiki.?.."

Tamaki laughed, giving (Y/n) a cocky grin. He had felt so pleased, and the anger he once had was gone. What if he.. got rid of non-existent anger too? He'd love to, but he must let his beloved suffer a bit. It'd be such a delight, such a damn delight, seeing his dear (Y/n) whimpering and suffering under his will.

Soon enough (Y/n) was shifting around and grunting. He never pulled the knife out of himself, it was proven to make you bleed much worse, so he left it. There were multiple pools of blood on the light, soft sheets that most likely seeped onto the mattress. It was such a gruesome sight it even caused Amajiki to chuckle a bit, though it muffled because of his hand. So much for a damn surprise attack.

"A-Amajiki, please you have to- to listen, ok... okay? Amajiki I-?. What.??"

Tamaki had gotten up, and hovered over his beloved. He licked his lips, smirking. He was quite pleased with the masterpiece he made, the blotches of blood everywhere, oh how it really made Amajiki feel pleased. His stomach churned while his head rang with such gruesome thoughts. He'd kill anyone who dared try get in his path. He couldn't get enough of it though, so not long after, another blazing cold knife was jammed into his thigh. The knife was pulled out and tossed onto the floor, where latex gloves had been. It was jabbed and yanked out of his thigh, one of his most sensitive places on his body.

"And your last words? I'd love to hear them from your cold, little mouth, and don't you dare stutter you piece of shit. I won't hesitate, my dear. Just know I love you and I am only doing this for your will, okay sweetheart?~"

(Y/n) was sobbing, faintly yelling, whimpering, you name it. His body hurt so much, and all Amajiki could do was stare. Stare in utter amazement of his beloved drenched in the sweet crimson liquid. Amajiki could also hear his quiet sentences, they were like music to his delicate ears. It was all like a dream, a dream so utterly gruesome. His dream ended once his beloved spoke up. Amajiki could hear them inhailing and exhailing heavily.

"D...Die in hell, you son of a bitch."

"Did I stutter, dear? I said to not trip over your words, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!" And with that, Amajiki pulled out another knife and jabbed it into (Y/n)s shoulder. He was yelling out for him to stop this act and die. He even screamed them into his ear, making sure he heard every little word. (Y/n) would bite his ear, attempt to punch him in the face and even kick him in his abdomen. None of the above really went according to his plan, they backfired so damn painfully.

Amajiki sweetly smiled and leaned over his dears' shoulder, saliva dripping off his plump lips and onto his beloved's shoulder. Amajiki's breath hitched once he heard (Y/n) whimper again, his drool practically pooling out of his mouth.

"Doesn't that just suck? It's not fair, I only got to be pleasured today. I want to be pleasured more, more until you can't take the overwhelming feeling of despair in your veins! The sweetest feeling, the worst, as long as my dear is put into his place, whimpering around like a damn dog. Yeah, that's right, isn't my pumpkin such a cute dog?"

Amajiki made a pouty face,
pulling the knives out of his dear. (Y/n) lay his head onto Amajiki's shoulder blade until grabbing his hair, attempting to yank him down. He wasn't going to surrender, even if the guy he trusted most was slowly murdering him. It would've already been over now, if they weren't as close as they are.

Amajiki got real sick once his beloved's heart rate decreased by much. His own body just towering over his love, holy shit, that drove him on edge. Especially when (Y/n) gripped Amajiki's cheek with a hand, carresing it before it fell. Before it fell slowly to his side, which oozed with a thick, warm crimson substance. Now, that was the final straw for Amajiki. It was that, the moment which drove him out of his own sanity and left him mad forever. No, not mad meaning anger like expressions or feelings, mad like psycho. Mad like he'd just killed his love life, and there was no way to get out of this one, nor him giving CPR to being back the cost of his own life. The cost was so cheap though, he'd only been tossed around with, only been played. It would have been nice to know that Amajiki was murdering a friend sooner.


As Amajiki had cleaned up, time had passed. It was time for his own to drift off to a sweet sweet slumber that he had been trying to grasp for days now, days on edge. And yes, Amajiki did just so, he attempted to have a decent slumber for tonight. And wow, would you look at that, it worked. He fell asleep rather early, like his body was so ready for this sweet moment.

Well shit, there goes Amajiki and his freedom. A police siren did echo throughout the neighborhood, enough to cause everyone in the area to awake. Someone had to of made a report just recently, right? I mean, his beloved body was lying deceased on the bloodied mattress in his chamber.

And yeah, police broke down Amajiki's door and arrested him with homicide. All Amajiki could think of was why, why did he kill a soul, why did he exist, why must he do this, why did he even want to? The answer is still unknown, even after police questioned him he never gave a clear, subtle response. Maybe it's for their own will, that they don't figure out what drove Amajiki to madness, enough madness to go on a murdering spree. To see what would lay in the depths of his mind, of what caused him to go sane..

Amajiki served as a prisoner for 17 years. On his early 18 year, he passed away due to unknown circumstances. Even after many years of research, even after decades, they never once did find out what drove Amajiki mad. Soon enough his case became world wide and famous, it was all the news was, all the tv channels and newspaper. What a freaking shitty ending. What a twist.

The End.

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