Chapter 24: Ethan.

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Year: 1880

"Ethan!", I shouted as I look back and saw him falling into the snow. It wasn't snowing right now, but there was enough on the ground to cushion his fall. We were trying our best to make it out of the dark woods we used as an advantage to stay hidden. 

I trudge through the snow in my winter gear to aid him. I turned him over and held his body in my lap.

"We have to go", I insisted looking down at him, "My father is closing in on us."

Ethan is tired and breathing heavily with his eyes closed. He's letting out a cold breath of air each time he breathes in and out. Even in the cold, he's sweating profoundly. I've clearly not been paying attention to how hard he was pushing him.

It was at that time I cursed the universe for making humans far weaker than demons. I still had plenty of energy in me, even though we've been on the run for several days now.

"Go on ahead without me, Sayuri", he finally spoke through his exhaustion. He opened his eyes and look at me earnestly.

"I will not do that", I shook my head in disagreement.

"Goddammit", he said frustrated with my answer. 

Ethan got up to his feet and looked into the distance of the many trees we were surrounded by. "I'm not running anymore", he said. "I've decided that I'm going to face your father, knowing the consequences."

"Don't talk like an idiot", I criticized his illogical thinking, "Even with the spells I've thought you, you'll barely last a few minutes."

"Then I might as well use those minutes to keep him away", he looked back and smiled at me, "I really want to give you a happy life."

I looked into his eyes. He's really serious about this. He knows damn well the only thing that awaits him is death. I can't believe I'm in love with such a dork.

I walked next to him and held his gloved hand in mine. I looked into his eyes once more.

"If you think I'm going to let you face him alone, then you're wrong. Stupidly wrong.", I told him.


"I don't want to hear another word about leaving you alone to die!", This time I raised my voice so he would get it through his head. He was definitely surprised by it as his mouth stop mid-sentence. He closed his mouth and gave me a smile.

"I'll do everything I can to protect you", he withdrew his hand from mine and then held my face, kissing my lips delicately in the cold.

I started to smile myself despite my blush, "As sweet as you think you are, I'm the demon here and you're the human. As it stands, I'll be the one protecting you", I said confidently, "I'm also the one my father won't dare to hurt."

His face turned to one of concern. He knows well enough I'll fight my father to the death if that's what it took.

"But Sayuri",  Ethan said, "What about Yuna?". He was trying to look at my somewhat swollen belly under all of the winter gear I was wearing.

"Don't worry", I reassured him, "I won't do anything that would endanger her."

He took a few seconds but he nodded at my reassurance.

"Ready to kick some demon butt?", I smiled at him.

He chuckled, "And you call me the dork."

"Shut up!", I said pouting, waiting for the danger that was coming our way.

Present Day - Yuna's POV

The dream faded as I opened my eyes and came back to reality. I lifted my body up from the bed I was in, however, a slight headache decided to pain me.

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