The Journey to Home base

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Bridge of the Aronnax (1st POV)

The two adults reassured me when I explained that I couldn't remember much. They told me that they were willing to help whenever I needed it. This family has a kind heart and are supportive of others, something I'm not really used to. I remember growing up independent when I was 6, I only ever had my mother by my side...until...that monster came. 'No! Don’t think about that!' I scolded myself mentally. I can't have my emotions go haywire…it can be exhausting trying to keep them on a tight leash, but it’s a price I have to pay to keep my abilities under control.

I looked at the table that held a cloak and metal box. I placed the spear down, and picked up the cloak. It looks like it went a little below my knee, has a large hood, and it has gold and silver trimming at the ends except for the hood. I looked at it in wonder. I felt a connection to it. There was a warm feeling in my chest, maybe someone gave it to me. “That’s a cool cloak, where did you get it?” Ant asked, he looked over my shoulder. He’s a little too close for comfort, and he had a strong fish smell.

I took a step to the side, “I don’t know,... but I feel connected to it... in some way. Maybe it was... given to me.” I explained. My throat is sore for talking this much, but I can soothe it with what little energy I have to answer their questions. I folded it and placed it on the table. I noticed my mother’s necklace on the box, I picked it up gently and put it on.

“Can I hold your spear?” Ant asked. This kid is full of curiosity isn’t he? I feel like he attracts trouble...I have a gut feeling that I should keep an eye on him.

“Ant...” Fontaine warned.

“It’s okay, only if your parents…are okay about it.” I replied.

“Can I hold her spear dad?!” Ant turned to his father quickly. He was eager to hold my spear. 'Why is he so eager? Surely his parents had a few spears to protect their family. Maybe they have other weapons?' I thought.

“Only if you don’t swing it around.” His father instructed. Ant cheered.

“Here, be careful with it...please.” I asked. I picked up the spear, it’s a bit heavy, but that's probably because I'm still healing. I hoped Ant had the strength to not drop it due to the weight or size. 'I wish it can shrink to a better size.' It glowed a little and shortened to about a meter long, a good size to have for traveling or when it’s not needed. 'I didn’t notice the seals earlier. How did I not notice? It's my weapon! I think my energy levels are too low to sense them. I also feel tired after the spear glowed. I need to eat or rest before I pass out.'

“Whoa! How did you do that?! That’s so cool!” Ant awed at the spear.

“It’s a gift.” I vaguely explained. My isnstics seem to be debating if I could trust them. My canine instinct gives them some trust, but the feline instinct was hissing at me to stay cautious and to be careful of what I shared.

“Can you fly? Can you teleport? Can you shoot out laser beams? Can you summon any weapon you can think of? Does it have to do with your ears? Can-” Ant was cut off from his mother.

“Antaeus calm down. You’re in her space.” 'Antaeus? Is that his full name?' I was grateful that Mrs. Nekton stopped her son. I don’t like being bombarded with questions… I like to keep to myself, and if I had to interact with another person, I like to have my space.

“Sorry.” Ant- or Antaeus apologized. I nodded in understanding, I was the same way when my mother showed me her abilities when I was little. I asked if she could teach me to use them or if I had any. I should’ve checked if there were seals on the spear, I could’ve avoided the topic of my abilities or what I can do. 

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