To be a child again

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Chapter 10.2: To be a child again


Tsuki was in the Moonpool room alone. She was going through her drills, a series of punches and kicks. The girl needed to let off her pent-up energy and stress. Being stuck in her room for a few days studying can make her feel stir-crazy.

Her eyes glowed for a second. She could see an opponent summon into existence in front of her. A tall man in a barbarian-like outfit and a helmet covering his features.

Tsuki would put herself in an illusion like this since she doesn't have anyone to spar with. Her blue eyes narrowed and she charged in. Nails sharpened into claws and the fight started.

Ant walked in trying to his friend. He wanted to see if she wanted to continue watching the show they started a while back. He froze as he saw Tsuki jump high into the air and twist around to land a blow like she was going to scratch someone.

"That...was awesome!" Ant ran up to Tsuki.

Tsuki snapped out of her illusion and looked up. "Antaeus? Did you need something?" She pushed herself up and brushed her hands against each other.

"Oh, I wanted to ask if you want to watch our show right now."

"Not right now Antaeus." Tsuki placed her hand on the back of her neck and stretched her head from side to side. "I really need to train, I haven't in the past few days and I feel like I'm stuck in a cage."

The young Nekton hummed in thought. "How about we go up top? We're staying surfaced for a while longer."

"We're surfaced? I didn't notice." She wondered how long she's been training. More specifically how long she's been lost in her thoughts.

The two walked up to the top of the Aronnax. Ant looked over to see Tsuki close her eyes and take a deep breath in. There was a slight breeze that made their hair sway.

Ant sputtered and coughed as he wiped his face from the salty water. He looked to see his friend with an outstretched hand toward him. "That's not fair! I can't get back at you!"

"You were staring at me!"

The two children started to bicker and mess around. Soon they were chasing each other in a game of tag that Ant managed to lure Tsuki into. The girl honestly felt better. She didn't feel the burdens and responsibilities on her shoulders. She felt like a child, the beautiful memories of the time she had with her mother.

A loud splash filled the air. Ant and Tsuki swam up to the surface and coughed up some water. "Really?" Tsuki raised a brow.

The boy shrugged in innocence and began to make his way onto the Aronnax. Tsuki looked at the water around her, bringing up the memory of what she did a while back.

"How about we head in and finish that episode? I can't wait to see if they will find the earth kin-" He was cut off when he heard a loud noise behind him.

Tsuki was standing in the middle of twisting water up in the air. She was trying really hard this time to keep it up. Trying to keep a balance with the water and to find the right speed. "Easy...easyYYYYY!" She lost concentration when her communicator went off.

"Ahh! OOF!" Ant was shoved to the ground.

"Ant? Tsuki? Are you two okay?"

"Yeah..." the kids groaned. Tsuki pushed herself up with one arm and used her free hand to rub her head. Kaiko gave them a five-minute warning to be back in the Aronnax so they can get going.

"That was AMAZING!" Ant tried to get up, but realized he was kind of trapped.

Tsuki got up and pulled her friend up, "Thanks, I still have a lot to learn though. I would like to not keep getting launched every time I performed that move."

"Or get crushed." Ant had a sheepish grin.

The girl slouched with a pout on her lips, "It's my second try Antaeus! I can't master a move that quickly."

"Did you get the idea from Aang when he first used the avatar state?"

Tsuki didn't like the grin he had. It screamed 'I knew I was right!' She crossed her arms and looked away. "...yes."

Ant's eyes sparkled and he began to go on a rant. They made their way inside and over to Tsuki's room, there was no way she was going to go to Ant's messy room. They sat on the ground with the laptop in front of them with their show playing, Ant started it from the second episode of the first season.

They began to come up with theories and ways for Tsuki to utilize the techniques from the show to her style. They rested on their backs, looking at the ceiling as the show went on as background noise.

"As I said before Antaeus, my style seems more aggressive than Master Pakku's. It's similar to Katara's in some ways."

Ant had his hands tucked underneath his head. He looked to his friend, "I've been wondering Tsuki, why do you call me by my full name?"

She hummed in thought, "I like your full name, it's unique and reminds me of Lemuria for some reason. I can call you Ant if it makes you uncomfortable."

"It's okay, I was just curious. I was only called by my full name by Nereus or those rare times I get in trouble."

Tsuki chuckled, "You'll know when you're in trouble with me when I call you by your first and last name...or last name. I'm still getting used to the use of nicknames among friends."

"You had friends before, right?"

"Not that I can remember. I only had my mother and grandmother growing up. I would befriend the creatures that lived near us sometimes. We lived far away from civilization."

That made sense to the youngest Nekton. He noticed that she will be alone for periods of time unless he or his sister drag her out of her room or the study room. Or the fact she's not used to physical contact besides like hugs or a pat on the back.

"I miss those times." Ant was brought out of his thoughts. "I lived without a care in the world. I would be trained by my mother and at rare times my grandmother, I got to play in the fields or woods, watch the stars at night, and repeat it all over again. It may seem boring, but it didn't matter as long as I had my family."

Ant could see the sadness in the girl's eyes. He couldn't even imagine not having his parents or Fontaine!

"My cabbages!!"

The silence was broken with laughter.

Ant was on a video call with Professor Fiction. "Yeah, those! That would be perfect for the room! When will they be here?"

"In about a week or two. I'm getting a couple of other things your parents need." Fiction looked at the paper in his hand to double-check.

"Awesome! Thanks, Fiction!" Ant hung up. His plan will work!

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