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Chapter 10.1: Sealing?


Tsuki, Will, and Ant were in the study with the piece of the Ephemichron in front of them. The girl picked it up and began to look over it, "It's weird...I feel something on here."

Ant looked over her shoulder, "I don't see anything."

"I think it's a seal...I just need to find it."

"Seal?" Will questioned.

"It's an ancient technique of my people. It's very dangerous, especially for a beginner." Her eyes narrowed when her fingers brushed up against a spot on the Ephemechron. "Gotcha." When she poured a small amount of energy into her fingertips, the seal became visible. The two Nektons could see the confusion on her face.

"Whoa! That is so cool! Do you know what it can do?"

Tsuki brought it up closer to her face to look at the details. "I have no idea. This is completely out of my knowledge." She groaned and rubbed her forehead, "I must have advanced my technique during my time in Lumeria."

"Do you have an idea of what it can do?" Will asked.

Tsuki hummed in thought while looking at it, "Based on what I know, it's a tracking seal. I can feel it tugging me. This seal is more advanced than what I can remember. I need to get a deeper look so I can start analyzing the layers of the seal. Hopefully, I can decode it."

"If it's on this piece, can you find the other three?" You could hear the excitement in Ant's voice.


Ant deflated. Will asked if she could elaborate on what that meant.

"I have no recollection of the seal. It's mostly because I die-" she cleared her throat, "I was in that seal for centuries. Any seal tied to me is lost. I need to come in contact and reconnect myself. There must be a failsafe on here that will call out to me when I'm close."

The three continued to talk and study. Tsuki started to draw the pieces of the seal to study later, maybe even replicate it.

Tsuki was showing them how a storage seal worked when Kaiko came in to remind them that dinner was done. She was the last to leave the room. Tsuki looked back to the Ephemichron. 'I'll learn your secrets...' She was thinking of both the Ephemichron and her past self.

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