Deep in my Soul, I dance alone

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Not always, will you have

Happy thoughts and sun shiny days

Not always would there be

Chirping, singing birds and glorious mornings

Not always will you receive

Welcoming smiles and big hugs

Not always, would the laughter echo

Not always would the people stay

But also, my dear heart -

Not always, would it pain so much

Not always would the night be so long

And the darkness so dark and deep

Not always would rain hide your tears

But always, it will make the whole earth smell divine

Not always would the sun set in the sea and disappear

Because always, it would rise out of the sea next day

Not always would it be so hopeless

Because always there is a new dawn and life goes on

Not always would the quiet nights instill fear

As always, Nature's music would rise to a crescendo and then back again to a lullaby

Not always would all this pain stay

Because always, the only constant is change

Life would be incomplete if we didn't have our own passions and faiths to turn to when things get crazy.

My existence would mean nothing if I was not blessed with my writing skills and my love of music and books.

I read to divert my mind from all the drama.

I write when it all just piles up too high and starts to suffocate me.

And when I simply want to forget, I switch on the music, switch out all humanity and dance alone till all pain and fear and hurt dulls down to nothing.

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