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Slippery sands, lilting waves
Salty breeze

Rushing, gushing
Retreating, pushing ahead

Scorching afternoon sun
Waves dancing
With crowns of fire

Pristine serenity
Despite so much turmoil

Just like my Heart

Outwardly peaceful
Despite all the turmoil

The muggy winds
Brushing and lifting my hair
Caressing with love
Putting pain away

Can I stay here forever?

Watch the sun
Watch the moon

Sounds of the ocean
Sounds of ethereal music

Washing away realities
Taking away disappointments

Let me be here forever

Watch the cosmic dance
Moved by the symphony
Rising crescendo
Ebbing and flowing

With the sea

Forget that I exist
For a while

Daily rigmarole

For just a little while more

Sands of Time

Slipping away

From beneath my feet

Losing control

Life is just like these free winds

Fate no longer

Bending to my will


Over and over again

Fighting back

Befriending my demons

To do it

Over and over again

These bones are

Now tired

This mind

Looking for rest

This heart

Burnt to ashes

I spread these

Over the angry waves

Take away this existence

Bring forth a new one

Just like the sun sets over the horizon

And rises again like a phoenix

Let me rise too

Let me be new

Give me that glimmer of hope

Give me a sign

Give me a reason

As I take a dip

In these warm waters

Wash away the exhaustion

Of my Soul

As I immerse myself in faith

Tell me, my belief is true

Free my shackles

Give me wings

Let me fly

On the winds of Time

Lift me up

I can fight no more

Accept my surrender

My strength is depleted

Arms are weary

Weapons are exhausted

Here I stand defeated

My ego forfeited

Let's end this battle

Let's wave the white flag of peace

I have been humbled

Life has won over

Let me stay here now

By the Sea.

Calling Of The SeaWhere stories live. Discover now