Lion in a Cage

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You and I are the predator;
No matter how much you refuse to believe it.
We are dangerous, we are villainous;
Ready made monsters and demons.
Capable of catastrophes we can't comprehend;
Offerings, precursors, invitations to an end.
In the entrails of fear; I firmly plant my feet;
And right here, something changes in me.

I am an animal; I am carnal;
Forever preoccupied with my survival.
I play with fire, unexplained burns;
Situations so dire, lessons learned.
Trapped with a lion in a cage;
This could be the end of my days.

You and I are secrecy;
No matter how much you'd hope we aren't.
There's a quiet stillness rising in me;
It's engulfing me, how I wish it weren't.
Trauma treats you just like heartbreak would;
It removes you from your rationality;
You can't retrieve it, and even if you could;
It was still so scary.

I am an animal; I am carnal;
Forever preoccupied with my survival.
I play with fire, unexplained burns;
Situations so dire, lessons learned.
Trapped with a lion in a cage;
This could be the end of my days.

I'm fine, I'm doing just great;
I smile, hoping the pleasantries fade.
I was hunted, a part of me was killed;
Nothing can change that; no matter the pill.
Nobody prepares you for lost limbs;
And a bloody carnage.
I couldn't prepare myself, I couldn't help him;
Trapped with a lion in a cage.

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