Baffled Man

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A war is raging in the east;
But I can do nothing to stop it.
Little old me can't tame such a beast;
They'll wire a bomb and drop it.
And in my grief, in my woes;
I am my own reflection to know.
A self-portrait in a mirror,
A personality that sees clearer.

But there's a puzzle in my head I can't quite solve;
Wrecking my head trying to find why I feel lost.
Nobody prepared me to feel this way;
Too terrified to even say "Hey".
I drew these dots but I can't connect them;
Black and white ink damaged by refusal.
A to B is never easy;
Not when you're me.

What part of I'm confused don't you understand?
I'm nothing but a baffled, believing man.
I'll whisper when I want to scream;
And choke on words I truly mean.
And I'm sorry for that,
I really am.
But I can't take stutters back;
I'm a baffled man.

I don't know who I am;
I am crazed, I am loud.
Dancing with the tulips just outside Amsterdam;
Craving a dynamic sense of proud.
I am bright, I am dark;
A deeply poetic motif.
I found my feet in Hyde Park;
A mosaic made of me.
I still don't know who in the world I might be;
I am yours, you are mine, I am mine, you are me.

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