The Third Wheel

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(A/N: I will start every chapter with my most favorite quotes because the chapter title will be the quote, and I will also end the chapter with the exact same quote, so you can understand why the chapter title is the quote:))

Chapter 1.

"Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain"


We were sitting outside, you know BFF stuff. But my BFF is a boy, but I honestly love him to pieces, not brotherly type either. I've had this huge crush on Dylan, since I met him. I still remeber it like it was yesterday.....:)


"WATCH WHAT YOU'RE DOING I COULD'VE FELL DOWN THE STAIRS!!!" I screamed my lungs off, to this hottie, long-haired blonde in my school. Normally I wouldn't go off on someone like that, but seriously, WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOU'RE GOING!! (Excuse my language)

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, I was in a rush, and I got pushed. I'm so, so, sooooooooo SORRY!". It was cute how he panicked like a 5 year old..

"It's okay, I was just scared, I could've fell and broke my neck". 😬

Okay, I'm not the type of girl who drools over someone, but omfg, he was gorgeous. He has long blonde hair, shoulder length, deep sea blue eyes, or maybe more of a summer morning sky blue. He wore skater-boy skinny jeans, a black shirt with a label that reads 'warning: the guy you're looking at, he has eyes, I know he's fucking sexy, seriously though, look up'. I laughed reading it. He wore a black leather, gothic long coat, and a chain with 3 dog tags on it, I honestly wonder why.

"Look on the bright side, you're alive, YAY! And plus i caught you to keep you alive. So... I'm officially the hero of this school. So at that. point, I was superman saving Lois Lane." He said. (I think I spelt that wrong for some reason, lolol)

I nearly had a melt down to this, I COULD BE THE LOIS LANE I, TO HIS SUPERMAN!!!.

"Since I nearly killed you, how about I make it up to you anything you want?"

I'm my mine I was thinking, 'yes you can repay me by kissing the crap out of me, dude you're fucking hot!' But I didn't cuz that would be disturbing and awkward, so instead I said, "buy me a cookie-dough ice cream cone and you got a deal". So that entire day, I got to know him and now, we're BFF'S.

♡~end if flashback~♡

Ever since that day, I always thought 'hmm I can be his one day' but my other conscience was right. 'You'll never have a chance with him!' Now here I am listening to him talk about his new girlfriend Emily Maureen. To be honest I like Dylan's sister better than him at this point because she hates the whore too. Emily is all fake, nothing on that bitch is real, her lips, her boobs, her tan, her ass, her bleached hair, her smile, her attitude, mainly her face. Everything is either from plastic surgery, or from acting lessons. Her smile is only fake when she's around Dylan, she's a gold digger who is cheating on him. She's only truly happy with her other man, she's not satisfied, even when Dylan loves her at night. Yes I know it's weird: me and Dylan, best friends, boy and girl, and we talk about our sex lives with each other. I honestly don't want to hear about Dylan's sex life because I fake mine towards him. He lost his virginity at age 13. I told him I lost mine at age 12. He's really not a virgin, and I'm still a virgin, and lie about my sex life to him, and make it sound so awesome 'till he gets jealous, which is fucking pathetic of me to do! I'm so fucking desperate, for him to be mine, and ONLY MINE!! And speaking of the she-devil here comes Emily, yay. (Note the sarcasm) well at least Taylor's coming to, and that would be Dylan's sister.

"Let me guess, he told you how Emily and him are going to prom together, or his little fun night I caught when I walked in his room, and let me just say, disturbing", Taylor said, making me laugh. This girl doesn't have to try to make me laugh, in fact sometimes she's not funny on purpose, she has blonde moments even though she's naturally, a brunette. Taylor has brighter eyes than Dylan, in my opinion she kind of reminds me of Kelly Clarkson, so I sometimes call her Kelly to annoy her, but eh, I don't care, I LOVE KELLY CLARKSON, THAT WOMAN INSPIRES ME!! I love how she doesn't care about her weight, how she doesn't like to dress slutty like most famous people, and how if you listen close to her songs, you can hear she's trying to relate to something. For example, her song hear me is like asking someone to hear her out, kind of like how when you're being bullied and you want to be heard out..(A/N: honestly though I'm a Kellebrity (Kelly Clarkson fan) and a Stan (Eminem fan)) (A/N: btw look up Taylor Marie Mangan that's the Taylor in this, she's a country singer and I love her she's so beautiful N/H)

"Actually, he told me both, except he switched his screwing her story around haha" I returned in response.

"Shut up, he didn't".

"Oh, but girlfriend, may I say your man-whore brother did" then I snapped my fingers in Z formation to give it a little effect.

"Wow, I got the man-whore brother, you got the shoe-whore brother..seriously though, tell your brother to lay off the shoes, he's got like, 209 pairs in his closet".

"We just seriously got off topic, haha, by the way your brother is more of an..... "Emo" man-whore, and I honestly don't have a problem with that, he's fucking hot!" I whisper shouted.


I wondered, what is she talking about with my sister. I'm not "allowed" in the conversation because it's all about how much they hate my girlfriend, and it might "offend" me. Honestly, I had no feelings for Emily,I would tell Mars about everything I do with her, to find the slightest pang of jealousy in her. Everything I did with Emily was 100% true, even though I don't want it to be Emily. When Mars, tells me about her sex life with all these people, I have to bite my tongue, and think of something else so I don't hear her, or give her the slightest hint that I'm jealous. Honestly, I'm in love with Mars, I don't call her Mars, she doesn't even know I have a nickname for her, so I call her by her first, full name, Maree. I would tell her my nickname for her, but I told her, 'I only give nicknames to those who I'm dating' and yet, I'm NEVER going to have a chance with Mars, I'm not her type. I'm emo and she's all girly girl and sweet, so I hate who ever stole her virginity, because they seriously took advantage of MY girl.

'One if these days' I thought 'one of these days'

"Dylan, are you listening to me?" Emily called.

"I'm sorry Emi, what".

"I asked if you can get me a water, so I can talk to my girlies".

"Umm..... Sure, I'll be back".


He just got up like that!!! Well fuck you too Dylan, you left us with 666 (devils number).

"Maree, darling, I ask kindly, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM DYLAN!"

"Why should I gold digger, I actually care about my friend".

"Do you want me to get him to hate you?"

"I really doubt that would happen, I'm his best friend, you got nothing on me'.

"Oh really, remember the night your parents died, he doesn't know you have foster parents, plus i could tell him how you killed them, remember, my family helped you 'till you found a new family, I got a lot on you, slut", Emily said, I froze dead in my seat. No one, and I mean NO ONES, ever brought up how my parents died. I killed them, yes me, it's my fault they're dead. I felt tears prickling the back of my eyes. I tried to blink them back, but failed, miserably. And I snapped.

"AT LEAST I'M NOT A WHORE WHO RUNS AROUD TO CHEAT ON MY BEST FRIEND, AND HURT HIS OTHER FRIENDS", my voice croaked in the process of saying this, and just ran, far crying my eyes out, but eh you know what they say, 'Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain'.

(A/N: here's the first chapter, talk about bitch lol, right now I really hope there's no girl in the world named Emily Maureen, if so, I'm sorry your name has to be the name of the bitch😬)

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