The Third Wheel

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I have a few things to say

-don't tell me how to write my story, I'm writing it not you. Just saying.

-this will be the LONGEST chapter. Same with the next (if there is a next)

-this chapter will DEFINITELY be the last. Sowwy. :,(

-ask your wattpad friends to read this please and thank you.

-lastly, it is only YOUR decision weather or not that I make a sequel.


[Maree's P.O.V]

After my fight with Dylan in the mall, Taylor and I decided to go to my house.

"You have to tell him." She simply stated.

"I can't. Things will never be the same."

"Maree, things aren't the same now. Ever since the existence of that she-devil, he's never treated you the same. He treats you like dirt and you let him stomp on you. No woman should ever do that."

"I know. I want to tell him, but I'm afraid I will just loose him."

"Maree, it's better to loose him this way, than loose him to her." She stated.

"Ironic, because I won't loose him to her considering the fact that I already lost him to her. Did he ever say when that movie is, and what is it?"

"The movies at nine tonight. I think you guys are watching The Fault In Our Stars" (I will not ruin anything in this if you haven't seen it yet)

"Dylan hates romance movies." I said giggling a bit.

"It was she-devil's choice.

"Go figure. Well, I'll go get ready then."

I got up and ran up stairs. Knowing Tay, she's defiantly picking out my outfit right now. I know I already took a shower earlier, but stress is getting to me. I stripped myself and hopped into the shower. I felt kind of stupid hopping in the shower and not plugging in my iPhone. Dammit. The heat if the shower instantly wiped away all the stress I had. I put in my coconut smelling shampoo. I find it funny how coconut smells good, but for some reason I'm not so fond of the taste. I then washed myself with watermelon body wash. After a good few minutes I finally got out. I decided to let my hair air dry for a few minutes while I re-applied my tropical deodorant. I started to smell like nature a bit. I brushed my teeth then used a makeup removal cloth to get rid of the old makeup on my face that the shower never got rid of. After that I blow dried my hair into its natural soft curls, which I rarely do anymore. I wanted to just feel comfortable and like myself. It's just a movie night. Who am I supposed to impress?, especially when it's dark in the room. I applied very little makeup; mascara and lipgloss. I brushed through my curls to get tangles out, but no matter what I still had natural ringlets curling around my face. I went to my dresser and got out my undergarments and quickly put them on. I examined the outfit Tay got out to make sure it looked comfortable. It really matched the description of comfortable to me: a sweater perfect arm length for me but past my but almost touching the back of my knees in an almost Indian tribe styled pattern, a pair of loose, yet tight enough leggings to fit on my legs, a plane black beanie, and a pair of black uggs. I don't really like uggs but man are they comfortable. I put all of my clothing on and sprayed myself with a light sent, coconut body spray. I felt like a freak of nature but enjoyed it. In all honesty, that's the real me too, I just stopped being that way three months ago. I grabbed my iPhone and ear plugs ready to leave.

"I have not seen you dress like that in forever." I heard a soft voice. I turned around and it was Harold.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked matching his soft tone.

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