The Third Wheel

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[A/N] sorry for not updating!! I've had a VERY busy week, not to mention I watched some strawberry blonde teen about my age get head butted by a giant carp 😂👌 so yeah lol :) hope you like this chapter!


Chapter 11

[Maree's P.O.V]

I woke up the next morning to go wake up Dylan to tell him to go home, just to find out he already left. I decided to walk around my house out of boredom and stopped at Khristian's room, and thought to myself 'if Dylan is hanging out with Emily, why don't I just hang out with my third best friend?.. My brother' and if he says no, I'll hang out with Val... Never mind, she's busy today. I quickly went to my room, grabbed a blow horn, and snuck back in Khristian's room. I sat down in front of my sleeping brother and stared at him like a creep then picked up the blow horn, blasting it in his ear watching him instantly wake up and fall out of his bead due to the mini heart attack I gave him. My brother must have landed on his stomach or back because I couldn't see his face until he sat up looking at me as if I've just gone completely insane.

"Good morning sleepy head." I said all happy like.

"Maree, do you want me to kill you?"

"Well someone's grouchy today!"

"Just tell me what you want." Khristian practically wined.

"I want to hang out with you today."

"What about Dylan."

My smile was instantly wiped off my face.

"He has better plans."

"Did he ditch you for that whore again?" Did I mention that my brother absolutely hates Emily? I honestly don't blame him. She spread a rumor saying he fucked Ms. Jane our principle, which I know for a fact was a lie because Khristian once told me, "anyone, including me would shoot themselves before they even got near that bitch!"

"Yeah, and about that whore..."

"Please don't tell me you're her friend again?"

"Small world right?"

"Cheesy. Are you fucking insane!? Maree, she tortured you since middle school all because of a damn rumor! Not to mention, she's dating the love of your life!" Wow, my brother knows me so well.

"I know I still hate her for those rumors, but you know that I can't say no!"

"I know, I just wish you wouldn't agree with her... You know she takes up drama... What if she's playing you just so Dylan won't leave her?" Khris asked. Why that manipulative bitch!

"Oh I'm going to kill her! I CAN'T BELIEVE I FELL FOR THAT! Khris, I will never get my best friend back because of her! Not to mention, he will never know that I'm madly in love with him! I WANT HIM BACK! WHY DOES SHE KEEP RUINING MY LIFE?!" I said tears running down my face. I have never been played like this before. She manipulating me until she can come up with some excuse as to why Dylan shouldn't be friends with me anymore.

Like the kind and caring person my brother is, he came over to me and wrapped his arms around me whispering: "she ruins everyone's life. If you have to.... Well... Just punch her in the face... Specifically the nose."

I looked up at my brother and asked the weirdest thing ever: "why did you have to be my brother?... Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I think we'd be better best friends.. Rather than siblings."

"Maree, siblings are better, you can't loose them no matter how much you try to get rid of them... I'm very happy to be your brother.. Now for that hanging out thing today, what do you want to do?"

"Want to go penny boarding?" We got our penny boards heading outside and I realized, siblings... Specifically family, I need them more than my friends.... Why didn't I know this until now?


[A/N] again, I am REALLY sorry for not updating sooner! And sorry it's really short!

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