The Third Wheel

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Okay guys, so wattpad is being a total dick at the moment, so if this chapter is bad because of errors, that means wattpad glitched.... Yeah wattpad hates me lol!


Chapter 11.

[Maree's P.O.V]

The entire time at the beach I got to spend NO time with Dylan what-so-ever! The entire time I was either talking to Taylor or walking around kicking sand. I thought I would be okay with this, but now I regret it. After my talk with Emily, she asked me if we could go watch The Hunger Games 2: Catching Fire at her house. I said yes like an idiot, now I have to make up some stupid excuse as to why I can't go. I don't want to be around Dylan or Emily while watching The Hunger Games, I watched Endless Love with them once and all they did was suck each others faces.

"So are we leaving?" I asked Taylor as she came to get her towel.

"Why? Bored?"

"No shit.."

"Why are you bored?" She asked me, I mean come on Taylor, you know why.

"Just answer my question."

"Oh, then no." She stated drying her hair and making the weirdest face in the process.

"Well I'm bored... Just tell Emily I got bored and went home to hang out with Vallerie."

"Otay hoe!"

"Taylor, I'm not in the mood." I said getting up and grabbing my shoes, then I started heading straight home.

[Dylan's P.O.V]

We were all done hanging out at the beach so Emily and I headed to shore, I seemed to notice Mars wasn't around.

"Taylor, where's Maree?"

"She left like ten minutes ago... She got bored.."

"Oh." Was all I said.

How the hell do you get bored at the beach? I mean there's swimming, volleyball... Anything really. We all got in the car and headed to my house to drop of Taylor and Katy.

Before Taylor fully got out of the car she looked at us and said: "don't bother picking Maree up, she said she'd rather hang out with Valery tonight."

"Why?" Emi asked.

"Well, they have that school. presentation they're working on, not to mention, she hasn't hung out with Val in about a week."

"She could have told us." I said getting a little pissed off.

"You know what Dyl, I wouldn't be so surprised if she stopped being your friend. You're too needy and you're fucking rude. You need to change!"

I turned the car off and told Emi to stay where she was, then looked at Tay and told her: "explain to me and get the fuck out of my car!"

Tay got out of my car, closed the door, looked at me, and said: "this is what I mean! Ever since you started dating her," she said making a slight gesture to Emi, "you've become a complete asswhole! When she left, that was the very first time in six months that you've talked to Maree, yet alone, look at her! Because of Emily, your best friend is going to break your heart by giving up on your friendship! And trust me when I say, it hurts so much worse losing a supportive friend who's always there for you, rather than losing your god damn girl friend!" I was so stunned I didn't know what to say, "stay at Emily's tonight, I'm locking the house up, don't come around here, I will not you be around Katy like this!"

"Me? Like this?! What about you Tay?! You're just as bad as me!"

"TELL ME HOW DYLAN! I am NOT the one who tried to kill dad, just because he has a new family! Get the fuck out if here Dylan! Do NOT come back tonight." Tay just left it at that.

I got into my car, started it and drove off. Instead of staying at Emi's I dropped her off, I made sure to let her know that I was frustrated then headed to the bar. Yes it's illegal for someone my age to be drinking, but I have a fake ID for situations like this. I headed inside and was greeted by Matt the bar tender. He never checks my ID only because he knows why I'm there. While I was there I had five vodka shots, three busch, and twenty mixed shots, and boy I was fucking wasted. I knew better than to drive, so I walked to Emi's house. I knocked on the door and once she answered her response was: "my parents are home, and you know I don't like it when your drunk."

"I'm sorry." I responded.

"For what.. I'm just saying I don't know ho-"

"No, I mean I'm sorry because I'm a fuck up." I slurred a bit.

"Dylan, as much as I want you here, you need to go home." Emi closed the door and I was headed home. I was at the end of the drive way when I remembered, Tay locked the house up.

"FUUUCK!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Yup, I was seriously frustrated right now. I pegged the drink I had in my hands at my own home, breaking something, and headed to the last person I could think of. I knocked on the door and patiently waited.

[Maree's P.O.V]

"I can't believe your best friend is a fucking dick!" Val said, halfway through her sketch of Thor.

"I know, my life is all fucking weird."

"Maree, why are you friends with him again?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Clearly not! I swear, you were on fucking crack when you met him!" Val said laughing, I joined in her laughter. We heard a knock downstairs and shut up immediately, then looked at each other, then the clock.

"Who the fuck shows up at someone's house at almost one in the morning?!" Val said clearly pissed off.

"I'll go check." I went down stairs and looked through the peak hole, seeing no one, so I went to head upstairs until someone knocked on the door again. I put my ear to the door and asked: "who's there?" Wow Maree! Real life knock knock jokes.

"Slenderman... No, actually BEN!" The person responded. What the freak? I opened the door and saw it was Dylan. He was clearly smashed and exhausted. He was laying sideways on the right side of my door frame, leaning a little, eyes closed, with his head tilted down. The light above his head on my porch castes a lot of shadow and very few light.

"What do you want Dylan?"

Dylan looked up at me making a face and said: "why are you so pissed off at me?"

"I'm not... Okay I lied," Dylan rolled his eyes making a 'no-duh' face, "Dylan you can't just show up to people's houses drunk and expect them to invite you in!"

"I'm sorry... I was frustrated. My mom doesn't come back until the week is over and Tay kicked me out!" I could hear the agitation in his voice.

"What about Emi's place?"

"Her parents would kill me before my next heart beat." It sounded sarcastic yet hilarious due to his little laugh.

"Guest room! Good night!" I let Dylan in and he immediately went to the guest room. I swear I could just hurt him sometime.



Ooh intensified haha xD

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