'Well, we all almost got hurt tonight."

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so I said drista would only be in the last one but... haha—

Prompt: The minors work for a company. What company? Well... the biggest spy company. Sounds pathetic, but what they do is find out information and get it back to their boss. But...what if a mission takes a wrong turn of events??

Warnings: cussing, minor fighting, it's really not that bad, I think that's all? Please tell me if there's anything else!!


Ranboo fought the urge to reach up to his eyes and rub them. The contacts he had on were not helping his case, and he would ruin the makeup he spent hours having Tommy do.

"Sit up more straight bossman. You know how old rich people can be." Tubbo sighed into his microphone cleverly placed in his right ear. (Tubbo was the one to always get the microphones in, so really he was the clever one in this situation.)

Ranboo straightened his back a bit. Tilting his chin more up to look, (as their boss would say,) 'more like you know what you're doing.' Ranboo had no clue what he was doing though. But, he wouldn't fail his job and ruin this mission for the team.

"Alright, big political guy coming into main entrance.... Now!" Drista said through all of their headsets. She quickly stood up after that, smoothing out the stupid dress she had to wear, and started making her way down to the ballroom leaving Tommy in charge of her half of the navigations just in case anything went wrong.

Now, what was the mission you may be asking? Well they had to do a few simple things; Ranboo's job, was to get the thumb-drive. The political guy they were stealing it from, was way to paranoid to leave it alone somewhere.

Grant Smith.

A multi-millionaire.

The groups mission wasn't for money, but it was for the information he had on the thumb-drive. That's what their boss wanted.

Grant slowly walked around the room, greeting people, and shaking their hands. The main thing a millionaire who was running for state was meant to do was look 'good'. Look like he 'liked' people.

Ranboo almost laughed at the thought of that.

"Oh shit... uh guys?" Tommy said through his microphone. Everyone's headsets could hear his quick typing.

"Tommy were literally about to do this, what is it?" Ranboo said. He was carrying a tray over to where the political man was.

"He doesn't have the drive."

"WHAT?!" Purpled shouted. You could hear the soft breeze of the wind, since he was outside. "What do you mean he doesn't have it?!"

They could hear more furious clicks before Tommy spoke again.

"His wife has it." He groaned.

Ranboo stopped in his tracks, just before he was about to reach the man. He looked around for the mans wife, only to find her dancing with some other fancy men.

He thought of a quick idea, maybe not the best one, but a quick one.

The original one was for ranboo to get the drive from the man, dance with drista giving the drive to her, and her run it to Tommy. From there, Tommy would run it over to purpled since purpled was the only one who knew how to hack the thing into the system. Then, Tubbo would secure the thing and they'd send it to their boss.

But... things always change.

Ranboo quickly spun on his heel, going away from the man.

"Alright I got a plan." He mumbled placing down the tray on a small table. "Drista, how fast can you run in heels and not being able to fully see?"

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