Ran & Boo

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Prompt: So I saw this thing where ranboo had a mind space (obvi his character on the dream smp,) of ran and boo. I thought it'd be funny if they'd be too loud one day! (ALSO, I'm aware it's not canon but head-canons are fun :] )

Warnings: Cussing. I'm pretty sure that's it? Maybe some yelling if you would count that :)

Ran: Will be typed in this font :)
Boo: will by typed in this font :)

And then normal is well- normal people speaking. Hopefully that isn't too confusing! Sorry if it is :]


Ranboo sat in class, zoned out. The teachers words being mumbled as it was the last period of the day, and everyone was tired. That's what the last class on a Friday will do to you, though.

ran and boo talking:

"What if we just like- jumped out the window? Like- right now?"



"NO IT WOULDNT? I cant believe I have to spend all of eternity with you."

Ranboo sighed as he tried to focus back on the class.

"Hey! Don't ignore us dude."

"Ranboo, will you tell the other side of yourself to shut up."

"HEY! We all know im the favorite side. I mean, who's in the name first? Ran! So see, I'm better"

"First is the worst, second is the best-"

"RANBOO!" Ranboo heard his teacher yell at him. His head shot up, only to see his whole class staring at him.

"See! This is your fault Ran."

"Nu-uh! Your fault too."

"Wanna share what you were think of with the class? You looked very in thought." The teacher smiled to him. "Uh-I was uhm-" He stuttered out. The bell rang right as he opened up his mouth again, and students fled out of the class.

He stood up himself, collecting his things.

"Ranboo! Just because it's Friday and the last class doesn't mean I'm letting you off easy. Next time I see you zoned out in my class again, your parents are being rung." The teacher snapped. Ranboo nodded, and quickly bolted out of the class only to find his friends waiting for him outside the door.

"You look so—stressed big man, what's up?" Tubbo asked, from his position of leaning onto a locker.

"Ran and Boo wouldn't be quiet during the lesson," he stated as he started to walk towards the exit of the hell building they call school, "teacher saw me zoned out."

"Damn." Purpled said.

"Well that old lady can—" Tommy started before purpled threw a and over his mouth. "Still in school dude." Tommy grumbled, but kept his mouth shut anyways.

"Does Eret and Niki know?" Tubbo asked.

"Nah. Only you guys know because someone decided to take control over the body when we were hanging out," Ranboo shrugged, "I just never thought to let them know."

"Well you really should," Purpled said as they stopped on the sidewalk that separated each of them,
"See you guys tomorrow." He shared a salute, before walking away.

The rest of them said their goodbyes, before parting their ways also.


Sorry this was so short. I'm not meant to be on my phone and stuff so woo :]

It was basically focused on Ranboo- but I wanted to try this idea.

Drink some water,



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