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Prompt: Ghostinnit is back! But... what does he remember?

Warnings: HUGE motions of death. please read at your own risk :]

(I wrote this sooo long ago. but let's act like Tommy never got revived, alright? Also that'd why it kinda sucks :] )


"TOMMY! TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled running down the path to greet his best-friend. His tried to run as fast as possible, he hadn't seen his friend in so long. Not since the whole prison accident.

"Tommy!-" Tubbo tried to hug his best-friend, but stopping realizing Tommy was.. floating?

'Tommy' turned around, looking at Tubbo. "Hello! I'm Ghostinnit!" He stuck out his hand for Tubbo to shake, before stopping, "I remember you!" Ghostinnit smiled, staring at his best friend. He remembered him! 

"You— you— hold up. Ghostinnit..?" Tubbo questioned, looking up at his friend. He couldn't have died, right? 

"Yeah! That's me! You're Tubbo. I remember going in fields and chasing bees and L'manburg-"

Tubbo zoned out and cringed. His bestfriend was.. dead. Like Ghostbur. And why would he bring up all of that? They promised never to speak of it again. Not after all they've been through.

"How about we visit Purpled and Ranboo." Tubbo mumbled, starting to walk away and beckon Ghostinnit to follow him as well.


Tubbo was lost in thought the whole time they walked. Ghostinnit kept talking about what he remembers from their fun times when they were only kids. Tubbo assumed he didn't remember recent times, probably only remembering when he was happy.

How could Tubbo let it get this bad??

He obviously knew the problems with Dream, but this was insane! Taking a kids last life? Are you crazy?!

Sure, Tommy could be too much sometimes, but killing him?  That was way too far.

He knew the two they were going to visit wouldn't be happy about it. They all split apart after disagreements, but they needed to know. Tommy did still matter to them even if the would admit it or not.


When Tubbo and Ghostinnit finally reached the hill they asked the other two to be on, Tubbo noticed his friends  no not friends, just people he knew, sitting on top of the hill. Ranboo was fidgeting with his hands and tapping his foot anxiously. He only did that when he was scared of something. Purpled was looking down at his sword, seeming like he was studying it even though he made it. He only did that when he was nervous as well. 

Tubbo cleared his throat to get the attention of the other two. Their heads shot up, looking toward the two boys. 

"Oh yes I do remember them! That's Ranboo," Ghostinnit said pointing the the monochrome boy, "he was very funny and nice. Though I didn't like him for.. whatever reason. And there's Purpled! Very interesting person. Also one of my best friends!" 

The two boys in question cringed. 

"So he just died?" Purpled asked, looking Ghostinnit up and down.

"Nope. Dream killed him." Tubbo sighed back. "The man only remembers happy things is what I assume, that's why he remembers us from when we were close. I knew he went through a lot, but I didn't expect this." 

"Oh Dream! He was one of my best friends." Ghostinnit smiled. "Escpically in exile since he came and visited me."

That made the other three to shoot their heads toward each other. Best friend? Dream?

"Well, it kinda makes sense," Ranboo shrugged, "if he only remembers happy memories he'd remember when he thought Dream and him were friends. Being manipulated probably made him think they were actually friends."

"That's.. insane!" Tubbo screeched. "Dream manipulated him so far into thinking they were that close?"

"From what I heard." Purpled muttered back.

And so now they sat on a hill, trying to think of what to do. Their friend thought that he and his enemy were friends. 

How did they let it get this bad?



Im sorry this sucked, I can't think of how to end it.

Im also working on another thing, [wink wink, nudge nudge,] with someone who you guys may know :]


Drink some water, loves!


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