You don't remember?

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A post the day after I posted my other one? What??

Warnings: Panic attack, death, crying, bad thoughts in general, and over all angst.

No prompt for today, just see what you have in-store :)


I woke up with beeping noises all around me. The bright light hurt my eyes, as I felt someone holding my hand.
I heard someone shout. My eyes finally adjusted to the light. I saw Tommy, holding my hand and Purpled  behind him.
"Wha- what's going on?" I asked.
My voice was fairly messed up. I was confused to where I was, and why.
"Oh Tubbo! Thank god you're awake." Tommy said with concern painted all over his face.
"Where's Ranboo?" I asked. He would be here right? My head hurt and so did everything else.
"Do you... not remember?" Purpled asked.
I shook my head. "I remember.... the crash?"

Going back into his memory brought to you by, angst

"HOW FAR I'LL GOOOOOO~" me and Ranboo screamed the loudest we could. Shortly after, the car was filled with laughs. We were at a stop sign, when someone was speeding up behind us. The next thing I knew, I heard the crashing of a window breaking and me blacking out.

Back to present times

"Is he hurt?!" I asked sitting up. Every bone in my body hurt after doing that and it felt like they were shouting at me to sit back down. But, I couldn't. I needed to know if Ranboo was alright.
The nurse came in shortly after, asking both of them to leave so she could do some tests. The thought of Ranboo was still in my mind though.

Time skip to him leaving the hospital brought to you by I'm to lazy.

When I finally left the building, the fresh air was so nice. I had a broken arm and leg, though. I was happy that it could have been way worse and I got lucky. I got into the car. Phil was in the front seat, (so he could drive us home,) with Tommy in the passenger, Then in the back was me and purpled .
"Where is Ranboo?" I asked. It had been a few days since I brought it up.
"Oh Tubbo...." Phil whispered.
"What? Is he gonna be there when we get home?!" I asked jumping the tiniest bit. Phil hit Tommy on the shoulder.
"I am not telling him." Tommy snapped back.
"Tell me what?" I questioned.
They never really hid secrets from me. Or at least didn't try to. And I bet Ranboo was just gonna be there when we got home! And then me him and Tommy and Purpled could go to the fi—
"He's not with us anymore." Purpled said after a while.
I sat in shock.
"He's what?" I said, tears about to fall down my face.
"He's gone tubs. He died in that crash." Phil said as he started to pull out of the parking lot.
That's when it all went dark. I couldn't see, nor could I breath. It was black. It hurt.
Was all that I could hear. I eventually passed out, from not being able to breath and screaming and crying.

Time skip for a long time brought to you by, I stole this story from myself

I held a small assortment of flowers in my hand. I smiled a bit as I walked to the top of the hill. When I got there, I dropped on my knees looking at the tomb.


Tears rolled down my face as I read it. I placed the flowers onto the tomb before placing my hand on it. "Love you, boo."


I legit stole this from myself. I just changed the names to fit the story. (It was really old. About from April. It even dates back to when I used my name for these chapters. ew)

I'll probably write a tommy and purpled based fic, since this one was more Tubbo and Ranboo. I was bored and found this randomly so that's why you get it early.

Have you eaten?, no?, go eat something then >:( ,



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