moving in

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"YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME YOU KNOW YOUR NOTHING WITHOUT ME," Dizzle said in anger, "GO AWAY, I SAID WERE DONE YOUR A TOXIC FATTY" I was on the verge of tears, "wow finally speaking back to me bibble but come on we both know you can't leave me",  dizzle stated while walking up to bibble smirking "come on why don't you just stay with me" as she pulled bibble by the fur "g-g-go away" I kicked dizzle in the chest and ran out of our shared apartment in tears "WHY WHY WHY" I cried till went to my best friends house.


"BIBBLE ARE YOU LISTING TO ME" Barbie yelled "Huh what," I said snapping back to reality "Omg, as I was saying, have you packed your things where moving into our dorms today," barbie said while sipping her tea "oh shi- I forgot ahh I gotta go pack fast why didn't you tell me" I was running to my room throwing whatever I found in my suitcase "BIBBLE HURRY UP WE HAVE TO BE THERE BEFORE 12 PM ITS 11.50 AM GET YO ASS DOWN"  barbie sounded like she was going to turn into a titan "OMG IM DONE GEEZ COULDN'T U WAIT AT LEAST 5 MINUTES" I ran down the stairs out of breath "no, no I couldn't hurry up if we're late I'm going to eat you like henry the rat " barbie then walked out of the house.

-time skip-

it was 5 pm and finally, I got to go to my dorm I was exhausted Barbie wouldn't shut up about Raquelle being her roommate who am I kidding I don't know who mine is for all I know it could be some annoying fatty, I walked up to where the dorms are "room 205 ah here it is" I walked up to the door and open it but omg I almost fainted when I saw who was a roommate well I mean I did.

"Holy shi- "I then fainted 

My hot roommate (Bibble X Bob Ross )Where stories live. Discover now