my roommate

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I then woke up but omg I went straight back to thinking of when I walked in like my god, I saw the most hottest dude ever I-I mean ok looking but he was tall and hunky… he had the hands of a lion and the hair of a god.,,. B-bob r-Ross?….
"AHHH" I screamed as bob ross was hovered over me "are you ok" he looked worried his face was  kinda pale but omg his voice I would die anyday for him to wake me up with his voice, "hello you there" he waved his hand over my face "ahhh yeah I'm sorry i-im just a little be out of it heh" I tried covering my face since I was blushing alot "ah ok good to know your ok, um would you want sometime to eat it's about dinner time now" he got up walking to the kitchen "uh yeah thanks while you do that I will unpack my stuff " I got up for the lounge then went to find my suitcase that was moved next to the lounge, I walked to my room this place was kinds big considering it's a dorm, I unpacked everything then I heard bob ross yell "dinner ready" I walked to the kitchen then I saw the the biggest snack ever bob ross, oh my what the heck am I thinking, god calm down bibble he probably thinks your werid "bibble right are you sure your ok you look sick" he then walks up to me he was tall when I say tall I mean tall I'm like who knows but he was tall, he then got his hand and felt my forehead "God your burning up,maybe you should rest"he then picked me up bridled style and took my to my bed and laid me down "go sleep my baby boy" he smirked
"WHAT THE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP" I said in my head "wth was that" I thought as I saw bob ross leave the room.

-Bob ross point of view-

I closed the door behind me, I dont know why I said that it just came out but omg, bibble so cute with his blue fur with purple spots omg he looked perfect, he had the most beautiful eyes,
"BOB ROSS" I said to myself whilst I smacked my face, you can't think that for all I know bibble was straight and had a girlfriend.

I finished my food and clean up, I had a quick shower and i fixed my afro "god I'm so hot not gonna lie" i said to myself i then brushed my teeth and decided to go straight to sleep, I walked in the room and bibble was fast asleep "cute" I thought to myself then I hopped into bed a fell asleep straight away.

My hot roommate (Bibble X Bob Ross )Where stories live. Discover now