Chapter 5

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"b-bob ross your home wow this is embarrassing and you have, NO CLOTHS ON AHHH" I jumped up from my chair and started speed gliding *BANG* "Ow my head" as I looked up to make eye contact with bob ross as I lay on top of his clothless body.

"bibble you ok" as bob ross held my waist and looked at me in the eyes "NO IM NOT OK BOB ROSS, YOUR BODY IS SO SEXY AND YOU FEEL SO NICE AS WELL WAIT NO WHAT AM I SAYING IM SORRY"  I got up from bob ross and ran into the bedroom *bibble wtf get a hold of yourself, omg I'm so embarrassed, I cant belive I said that to THE bob ross, I don't think I can even face him right now, *KNOCK KNOCK* "bibble you ok in there" shit its bob ross  "UH YEAH I HAVE NEVER BEEN BETTER HAHA" gosh I don't know what to say to him, man I can't stop thinking about is yummy  delicious body "uh bibble can you let me in please," bob ross said calmly on the other side of the door "s-sure" as I unlocked the door to then make eye contact with shirtless bob ross as my face started to heat up "you like what you see bibble," bob ross said seductively as he started coming towards me "bob ross what's gotten into you" as I turned my face away "bibble I told you to look at me in the eyes when your speaking" he then got is muscular hand and grasped me by the chin as he pulled me closer to him entill we were where inches apart, "bibble you look so sexy right now and your fur don't get me started," bob ross then stoked my fur "bob ross what are you doing" *DING DONG* we both turned our head to the door "oh that must be my bestie kanye west he taking me to the party" bob ross explain to me "oh i see well you don't wanna keep him waiting" I then floted away from bob ross as I was to embarrassed from what just happened  "well i must be going see you tonight" as he winked at me, he then grabbed he clothes and left, "what the hecky just happened is this even real, am I dreaming or did THE bob bloody ross actually call me sexy" I then plobbed myself on my bed to then call barbie.


barbie are you sure I look good or is it too much "Bibble for the bloody last time you looked good bob ross would want to devour you," you think "Definitely now hurry up the party gonna start soon and so is my next shift so I'm going to hang up" wow what a wet blop fish I just needed some support, not my fault I have no other friends, she's right thought I need to get going *BUZZ BUZZ* whose calling me I swear if it barbie-  *Unknown*  "hello bibbleuh who this  "you know who I am bibble, I'm kind of hard to forget don't you think" DIZZLE HOW DID  YOU GET MY NUMBER HELL NAH IM HANGING UP IM DONE WITH YOU I NEVER WANNA TALK TO YOU AGAIN as I yelled through the phone  "ooh not so fast bibble I'm not done with yo-" *HANGS UP* h-how did she even get my number this is weird, it's ok bibble let's just forget about it I can't deal with this now I need to get going.


*LOUD MUSIC PLAYING* god it's so loud I wonder where bob ross is "Hey Bibble right, I was wondering when you were gonna get here, bob ross is waiting for you even though he wouldn't admit it " as Kanye came walking over to me though I could barely hear him from how loud the music was "oh you must be Kanye do you know where bob ross is" as I grabbed a drink from one of the waiters "over there I'm pretty sure" he pointed to a group of people "thanks Kanye I'll talk to you later" I waved good bye then left making my way toward where bob ross was, but when I got there I couldn't see him, he wasn't there *huh where is he* I thought to myself "aww if it isn't my bibble it's been so long hasn't it" HUH DIZZL- "shhhh" as she put her tiny hand around my mouth "be quiet my little furry you don't wanna make a scene here do you" *she then injected bibble with some sleeping thingy* "bob ross help me-" as I passed out  


"hey kanye my teddy boo have you seen Bibble," bob ross said to Kanye "Yeah dude I sent him over to you over there with that group" as he pointed to the same group "Bro what I wasnt there though, dude I told you I was going to the bathroom" bob ross sighed "oh for real some furry pink chick told me you where over there man" your useless you know that my teddy boo, I then walked over to the group "hey have you seen bibble kanye said he was over here," bob ross asked the group "he was here a second ago, but he apparently he passed out so some pink fairyfloss girl took him somewhere," one of the group members said "they went that way if your wondering" as they pointed to a room" thanks guys" I then walked away, but something doesn't feel right like who is this pink furry/fairy floss girl that everyone is talking about, something in my gut is telling me something is wrong why would bibble pass out when he just got here, I swear nothing better of happened to him. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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