Chapter 4

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I closed my eyes shut and all i could hear was whoever this person was breath against my fur, "bibble, bibble BIBBLE" i then slowly opened my eyes to then see wait, what the fuck no way, out of all times it had be him bob fucking ross "bibble" bob ross said once more "ahh yes ha sorry im spacing out so um what are you doing here" i say avoiding eye contact "i could say the same for you,but for me well i was walking around the school then i heard something over here so i went to check it out, guess its just you but im kinda glad i came i guess now i get to see you" he then came closer to my face "oh and bibble its respect to look at the person speaking" i then turned my face to his omg istg i just know i was blushing alot but our faces where just inches apart i could of died right there "that's more like it, oh and is that your little shrine over there'' he said with a smirking face, "wait what shrine" i looked around then i remembered" WAIT WAIT NO I SWAER THAT WAS NOT ME DON'T GET THE WRONG IDEA, I WAS JUST LOOKING AROUND AND I FOUND THIS PLACE I SWAER IT WASEN'T ME" i said while moving my small little arms around entill bob ross pulled me in closer ''i was just asking no need to get of flusted sweet pea" what the hecky wekey is happend right now am i dreaming "i-i need to go hahaha gotta meet barbie it very very important "i took his hands off me and i just ran, real fast faster then bloddy idk i just ran so fast not caring what i ran into i just need to get out before my heart jumps out "tsk he so cute, ahh bob ross what's gotten into you" as he slaps himself "gosh i need to control myself, but omg he's so freaking cute" bob ross then eventually walked out and went to go to class early so he could get a little bit of sleep, becasue the other night he didn't get much sleep as he was thinking a bit to much about bibble.

Bob ross POV

As I was walking around the school I heard noises coming from the abandoned bathroom that the school still hasn't knocked down, I was hesitant at first to go check it out, but my curiosity hit me, as i was walking over there a bunch of girls came over to me asking me random questions like can i have your number, are you single, a buch of  other things i wasn't intrested in entill i saw bibble entering the abandoned bathroom "ah sorry girls as much as i would love to stay and countinue talking im very busy" i said walking away entill one of them pulled me towards herself "aww why so soon bobby ross we never get to talk to you" she said with a pouting face, ew is all i could think of i don't even know there names, all girls at this school are the same they wanna get a boyfriend or get laid gross "im sorry maybe another time i'd love to spend more time together  just not today" i walked away as i entered the bathroom and the first  thing i saw was bibble just standing infront of a shirne of me, I was quiet flattered honeselty if it was some random girl I would of hated it but as it was bibble I was glad "bibble is that you" i say as i walked closer to him as he floted backwards, entill he bumped into the wall"bibble , bibble BIBBLE"  then he finally answerd after I called out to him, man all I could think of was how cute he is "ahh yes ha sorry im spacing out so um what are you doing here" bibble said right then and there, I really wanted to say that i was here for him and that right in that moment my heart was thumping so much, then eventually bibble ran out of the room "geez i thought i was going to die my heart" as i place my hand on my chest while sitting down " heh he's so cute i just wanna hold him" as a big smile forms on my face while i run my hands through my hair, "what time is it, alright im gonna go to class early so i can have a nap" bob ross then got up then walked to class.

bibbles POV.

"omg omg omg omg omg omg I can't believe it, what just happened AHHHHH, he looked so good and yumm-", "who's yummy," barbie said while leaning over me "AHHHHHH" as I jump and flew away, "jeez bibble what's gotten into you" what gotten into me, I really wanted to say to barbie was that I was having a full-on gay crisis about the most popular guy at our school who I thought was straight but now he doesn't seem so straight anymore and that with his muscular hands, I wanted him to choke me with them *SMACK* "BIBBLE WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU STOP THINGING LIKE THAT IM A DEVOTED CATHOLIC" omg what is wrong with me and theses nasty but quite hot thoughts "uh bibble I think you have finally lost it my friend, and I don't wanna be here for it so by loser" barbie then walks away not even looking back at her dear friend, " WOW FAKE FRIEND" I yelled hoping she could hear *DING DONG* "ugh ew I hate school" as I float away to my class.

"OMG FINALLY CLASSES IS OVER" while stretching my tiny arms out "hey bibble you still gonna go tonight" barbie gets up from her seat picking up her books "I mean bob ross invited me and I can't say no to THE bob ross and ain't no way I'm missing my chance to being around him, you still gonna go with me my pink toe?" as I float up from my seat "I don't think I can make it, I got called into work and I'm not really that keen on the party, so sorry bud you're on your own but this means you might get closer with bob ros-"  *BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ* "OH MY GOLLY GOSH MY BOSS IS CALLING, BYE MY PLUMP FURRY BIBBLE, HAVE FUN WITH THE MAN WITH HOT HAND THAT YOU WANT TO BE CHOKED BY" barbie runs out of the classroom" wait how did she even know that last part- man why am I even friends with her, she is literally such a fake, I don't know her anymore she is now to me a stranger " I then walk out of the classroom making my way to my room.

" HOME SWEET HOME I MISS THE SMELL OF THIS HOUSE" mainly because it smells like bob ross's perfume, I then floated to the kitchen, *GSDFRWFKYU*  shut up stomach I will get you some food, I open the fridge and got out some jelly " Anti-ti-ti-ti fragile, fragile, Anti-ti-ti-ti fragi-", "Wow bibble what a nice voice you got there" *PLONK* as I dropped my spoon "b-bob ross your home wow this is embarrassing and you have, NO CLOTHS ON AHHH" I jump up from my chair and started speed gliding *BANG* "ow my head" as I looked up to make eye contact with bob ross as I lay on top of his clothless body.

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