Chapter 3

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wow i finally updated my beautiful story anyways enjoy ( btw im not bothered with my spelling so suck it up) thank you

It was the next morning and for some reason my head was hurting like hell "ugh I don't want to go to class today" I groaned I then got up from bed to go get some food, as i was walking in the kitchen I saw bob ross cooking something "oh morning bibble" bob ross turned and said with a cute ass smile but omg his smile made me feel things  "oh uh m-morning" god I'm so awkward "here" as he placed down pancakes and orange juice "thanks" I said then started to eat "so bibble tonight I'm having a college party I wanted to know if you wanted to come, oh and if you do bring barbie and her roommate as-well  "uhhh sure when is it" I got up to put my plate down in the sink "tonight at 8 I can't wait to see you there but I gotta go, my class starts now" he then came up to me a ruffled my blue fluffy hair then left" what the- wait am I still asleep did he just touch my hair omg ahh shit I'm going to be late I glided through the air to my bathroom and brush my fur and I quickly floated to my first class.


"omg barbie I don't know what to wear tonight, AHH I'm so nervous and bob ross is gonna be there he so bloddy hotttt but like what if he's not gay he probably thinks I'm weird, I mean we did just meet but like- "BIBBLE OMG SHUT TF UP FIRST U DON'T WEAR CLOTHES TO BEGAN WITH AND  SECOND JUST CALM DOWN WE STILL HAVE HOURS BEFORE THE DAMM PARTY" barbie yelled and I'm not surprised if everyone in the cafeteria heard her "well well if it isn't my hopeless roommate" Raquelle came up to our table with a smirk on her face,"omg fork my life Raquelle what do u want" barbie looked pissed "oh I wanted to see you" Raquelle then went and sat on barbie lap and whispered something in barbie ear then just stared  into barbies eyes by this time i already walked away "what the fuck" barbie looked almost has red as a fat juicy tomato ''blushing i see'' Raquelle said with a flirtatious smile "omfg shut Raquelle" barbie then pushed Raquelle of the her lap which then ended up Raquelle being on the floor "good stay on the floor you fat dog '' barbie managed to say then walked off while running into one of the bins on her way out "cute" Raquelle said then ended up walking away to who knows where.

-with bibble-

"uhhhhhhhhhhh where tf am i, i don't remember this being part of the school" as i was standing in-font of this sketchy ass abandon what seems to be a bathroom, so me being me i walked inside to see what was in there "ew smells like ass in here" while trying not to gag, i then continued to walk around to then see this weird thingy on the floor "what the fuck who tf made this may i say hot bob ross shire"i said pretty loud "bibble is that you'' i turned around to see a shadow approaching me i then slowly floated  backward but eventually i ended up hitting the wall then the figure comes closer to me then they pin me against the wall.  

hehehehehehhehehehehehehheeh i wonder who it could be 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏

My hot roommate (Bibble X Bob Ross )Where stories live. Discover now