Maniacal Brain freeze

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Night cap had an idea.He used the rooster toy that he got from solar flare as birthday present.At first he thought it's awkward but he used it.It cause a big sound and summon an avalanche.The avalanche strike Herald."Bruh!I didn't know that stupid rooster can be so useful."Grass knuckles looked at the rooster.But it's not done,Herald used his wand.And explode all the snow on him."Alright very clever.You impressed me,but now you have to impress me more!"Herald blasted tornadoes at Night cap.He dotch it but there's more.Herald is spamming tornadoes."ARE YOU EVEN FIGHTING WITH STRATEGY AT THIS POINT OR YOU ARE JUST SPAMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!????????"Grass knuckles shouted but it's too noisy even if he shouted to the top of his lungs.

"I need to do something to stop all this.If I have my scarf I would have just transform into dark dragon but I can't without it........"Night cap is still thinking.But Herald change his mind.He use lightning instead."Watch above!"Grass knuckles shouted at Night cap.Night cap looked up and see lightning coming down.Unfortunately it strike Night cap.But he immediately gain back stamina and keep running.Herald stopped lightning strike and form a lava tsunami."1000 degrees tsunami!"Night cap went to high ground and thankfully was high enough to jump over the tsunami.Then lightning strike again.Mote tornadoes.And now so many storms are happening at the same time."This is the most powerful storm I have ever seen in my entire life."Grass knuckles watch inside the cave.There is every single storm ever existed striking Night cap.Everything is stormy until a furry person came in."YETI!"The cave men's grabbed their weapons and engage battle.But the Yeti is Brain freeze.

"Brain freeze!What are you doing here."Night cap and Grass knuckles also in battle position."I am just here to destroy all of you once and for all!"Brain freeze are strong in blizzards.But since all their weapons are made of ice,it make Brain freeze even stronger."Everybody charge!"Herald lead all the cave men to attack.But all their attacks makes brain freeze stronger.Herald's attack does damage Brain freeze since it has fire in it's attacks.But all the caveman are just giving him more health."Haha,thanks for the heads man!"Brain freeze use frozen tundra and freeze everyone.He used frozen thorns to try knock Herald.He is flexible but his back bone cracked suddenly.He is old........"Bruh,back bone don't fail me now!"Herald tries to fight again but more bone crack.Until he can't even move."Wow,you need a new leader cave man's.Your leader is too old to even held the staff."Brain freeze wanna pick up the staff but he was punched by Grass knuckles.

"You want the staff you have to get through me first!"Grass knuckles and Brain freeze fought.But with a single hit if gigantic thorns and massive snow balls.Grass knuckles fall unconscious.Night cap was the only one he had to pass through.But he doesn't have any super power so it's easy for Brain freeze to take him out."Com'on Night cap,think!think!"Night cap is thinking if a strate.Brain freeze form an ice bat to smack him away.Then,Night cap use the rooster again to summon the avalanche.But the avalanche doesn't hurt Brain freeze much.What Night cap really wanted is the valcano to erupt.He blow the rooster louder while Brain freeze got out of the snow and Sprint to Night cap.He was about to smack but Night cap hold the bat.

"What!No way!But I am too strong.......why is it so smoky and hot suddenly?"Brain freeze feel hot until he looked up and saw valcano erupted.Hot lava spitting out scare Brain freeze and he ran for his life.The staff is safe.After a few hours of waiting.Herald and the caveman finally woke up.Grass knuckles woke up earlier still talking about the rooster toy solar flare gave him."You save the entire caveman and the magical staff!You are a hero we can definitely trust!"Herald and the caveman's cheered."Also that Yeti tell me your clan needs a new leader.They can't keep counting on you while your backbone won't listen to you."Grass knuckles said and everyone laughed.After Night cap received the map.They continue their journey to the mayhem flower.But what they don't know is they only have less then 2 days until the plague spread entirely.And they doesn't even know the danger the mayhem flora could bring.

They made it with the help of Rose's teleportation potion.Its also their second last potion until they completely ran out.They made it to the unseebable hills.The hills is so high and it's guarded by thousands of dragons."This place reminds me of how I got my dragon powers.I was climbing this mountain but suddenly the hero'o Tron suddenly explode and gave me dragon powers probably because of the dragon aura up there."Night cap memories came back.Grass knuckles sigh.He cannot see the end of the hill even with the help of telescope."Bruh,now I know the reason why this mountain is called the"unseebable hills".All I see is dragons and more hills."Grass knuckles started climbing so as Night cap.Night cap remember all the moves he does when he first climb the mountain.So he can get through the hills pretty easily but Grass knuckles was dying just to keep up.

"Can we stop for a while?"Grass knuckles was tired but Night cap is too high to hear what he said.Night cap knows all the dragons special ability so he knows how to dotch them.Night cap and Grass knuckles has been climbing for so long they still don't see the end."This is the furthest I get."Night cap and Grass knuckles keep climbing day and night.Night cap finally made it the the mayhem flora.Grass knuckles finally keep up."Are we there yet?"After a stack(64) of am"are we there yet?"Grass knuckles finally climb it.He was burned and freezed and bruised.Night cap wanna laugh at him so hard."Bruh,those dragons are brutal."Grass knuckles cried.Night cap and Grass knuckles hang out for a while and they get on the job again.They can see the mayhem flora in front of them.(At 2 meters far)But one step closer to the mayhem flora and something bad may happen.

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