Ice stronger then diamonds

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"Where are they?"Professor brainstorm and Brain freeze looked around the kitchen."Smells good........"Brain freeze has better sense of smell than brainstorm.He followed the smell that lead them straight to Rose and Wall knight."I told you not to bring all those fish and chips with us,what if they sense us?"Rose want to run but she can't left Wall knight.Wall knight is too busy eating the fish and chips."These are so tasty,I wanna eat them for the rest of my life."Wall knight keeps eating."Well your life ends here now!"Professor brainstorm and Brain freeze came in."You won't caught us this time!"Rose goatify professor brainstorm.But he teleport it to Wall knight instead.

"Hahaha,goatknight!"Professor brainstorm and Brain freeze laughed so hard.Rose was embarrassed,she time snare and jinx them.Going in with arcane enigma."Brain freeze don't just sit there!Do something!"Professor brainstorm can't teleport away due to the time snare.Brain freeze charges up frozen tundra but it's very slow."Wait for it.........wait for it........HOW COME ITS NOT FULLY CHARGED YET!!!!!????"Brain freeze charges up so long also because of time snare.Rose just face Pam and shoot them with magic tistles."God it hurts with the jinx on!"Professor brainstorm is still waiting for Brain freeze to charge.Brain freeze change his mind and cancel charge."What are you doing!?"Professor brainstorm went down because of too much thorns.

"Watch this 300IQ MLG Minecraft trickshot!!!!!!!!"Brain freeze grabbed one of his jelly and and add Immorticia's grow potion.Then,he throw it at Rose.Rose tries to ran but her feet is frozen.The jelly sucked Rose into it and she couldn't go out.Because she drop her wand outside the jelly."Well,well,well.Look who's wand it is.Brain freeze grabbed the wand and grabbed professor brainstorm."What happened......Rose why are you in there?"Wall knight turn back to normal.But Brain freeze quickly shuffed him into the jelly."Great job wall knight,you got us caught again."Rose grumbles while Brain freeze is waiting for Rustbolt so he can shrink the jelly to carry it.

"So........does this makes sense that a snowy biome can be in a valcano that is actually active?"Grass knuckles tried to figure out what this is.........along side with Night cap but there's only two of them.No one else is here.Then,a blizzard and a valcano eruption occurred at the same time.Its a fire blizzard."How does this even make any sense!?"Grass knuckles and Night cap ran to the nearest cave.They made it but then,they saw cave men's."People,hello people!"Grass knuckles wanna shout but immediately stopped by Night cap."They might be hostile,who knows?"Night cap and Grass knuckles tried to sneak in closer.But a cavemen found them."Hey there is visitors."The cavemen shouted."YOU SPEAK ENGLISH!?"Both of them are freaked out."Greetings travellers."One of the cave men brings them to the big dining hall.This place may look like a cave......but in it it's a palace.

"How do you dig all this out?"Grass knuckles and Night cap was curious."This cave already exists before we were born,we just improve it.Its hard"After they had all their fun.....the plants finally said their problems.And surprisingly,the cavemen actually understand.One of the caveman act like a zombie and now it is killed.But they are also figuring out what is going on."That might be the same plague we have cure."Night cap and Grass knuckles asked about the mayhem flora.But they didn't know what it is."Sorry,we don't even know flower existed until you guys came."The caveman lead them to their rooms."We're like in a 5 star hotel,but it's all ice!"Grass knuckles giggles in excitement."Remember,we are here for the flora,not a vacation."Night cap said while he goes out of the room.He looked outside but it's still stormy.

"It looks like you are concerned of something."An old man with a diamond staff talk to him.The staff contains magical powers that can summon elemental powers base on the serrounding's condition.Since this place is snowy at the same time hot,the wand is at the merge of fire and ice.And the wand can change the condition whatever he wants." you know the mayhem flora?"Night cap asked to the old man.His name is Herald.And his reaction shows his familiar with the name."Yes I do know where the legendary flower was located,but why you need it?"Herald needs a right reason why should he even tell Night cap about the flower.

"It's for the plague.We need to cure the plague or else everyone will be zombies and the person that is helding this staff will be Zomboss."Night cap can't imagine how strong Zomboss will be if he held the staff."So can we trust you?"Herald know,only the zombies are dumb enough to fail this task."You can count on me,just see."Night cap was really serious."In our rules,you need to at least defeat us once to gain our trust."Herald challenge Night cap for a battle."If it's a battle you want,it's a battle you will get!"Night cap totally forget he can't use powers without his scarf.They both went to the outside.This time the storm is at its strongest form.So it's hard for both of them to see.But Herald didn't change the weather with his staff.He wanna fight in this condition.

"Let's start out without my staff."Herald throw away his staff and grabbed an ice shield and ice spear."Ice!?Really that's your military weapons made off!!!????"Grass knuckles suddenly came in."Shut up you!I don't feal right."Night cap then attacked.He use all his kung Fu skills.But is doesn't damage herald's shield a single bit."Now it's my turn!"Herald strike Night cap.One stab to the stone near the cave.The stone turns into flour instantly.They both were shoked.Herald keeps attacking.Night cap uses citron's portable peel shield invention.But Herald's spear pierce it like nothing."WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE ICE MAN!!!!!!!??????"Grass knuckles tried to punch the ice.And it's so tough it's stronger than diamonds itself.

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