Chapter Five: Station Xterria (Forgotten, or a Trap?)

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Chapter Five

10:00-Space Station Xterria-Upon arrival

After meeting Cameron, they all hit the sack for what little sleep we could get. Thinking of the people on the ship, he remembered his squad, the only people Hayes could trust then. They could be dead, probably shot down by scouting covenant. They could be stranded in space, or dead, lying on the cold floor of the Stronghold as it exploded, their body gone. There’s the possibility they are alive though. They could be on the space station, Xterria, trying to help the alive get out, or back on a nearby planet, scouting for survivors, or helping the colonies evacuate. Anything could be happening to them now, but he knew one thing. Wyatt Stones was here, and it made him hopeful that he would soon see the other four members of his squad.

He turned over in his bed, trying to sleep a few more minutes, but decided to go check on Dex, who hadn’t slept. Pushing himself up, he tried not to make enough noise to wake the others. He pulled his shirt on and looked at the splatters of blue blood. Damn covenant were going to die, and he was going to make sure of it. Something hard hit the floor, causing Hayes to jump to attention. Looking up he saw Cameron standing in the small room’s entrance. Her helmet was off, revealing her small face.

Cameron was no more than thirteen years of age. Her red and black streaked hair fell down her back, like Samantha, she refused to cut her hair, but didn’t pull it up. She just didn’t wear a helmet in battle. Her height was less than six foot in her armor, she was maybe five four. She had only spoken to Hayes once, but that was to everyone as well.

She just stood there in the doorway, leaning on the edge of the doorway. She stared at him, her bangs hung over her light blue eyes. “What you staring at?”

He was caught off guard as she spoke. “Sorry,” he whispered as her rubbed the back of his head. “You’re just…” he pondered through his mind for a moment, trying to find the right words to explain her size. “Small.”

The girl laughs and stops out of the doorway towards him. Her body swayed back and forth as she swung her arms back and forth when she walked. It was strange, like how a little girl walked. Was it because she was young? Hayes thought as she approached closer.

She lifted a hand into his face holding up her gloved middle finger. Hayes looked from it to her face; her tongue was sticking out at him. He was taken aback by the immature girl.

She spoke with a harsh tone with an edge of assitude, “You can kiss my ass, pretty boy, ‘cause I can take down a covenant cruiser single handedly. If I can do that I’d watch your own little cruiser down there. You’re my bitch now, honey.” She flipped her hand in the air and turned. She exited the room without another word.

“What a woman.” Wyatt’s voice sounded.

Hayes was staring at the air in front of his face. No one had done that to him. Wyatt laughed, throwing him back into the turn of the world.

“You okay, Stones?” Private Stones whispered across the room.

Jet stirred in her bed, groaned, and stopped moving once again. They listened to her breathing for a moment or so. Hayes wiped his face off with his hand and laughed quietly.

Wyatt fell back onto his back, laughing quietly. His bed creaked as he rolled in laughter.

“Shut up.”

Wyatt stopped and held his breath. It was nice to laugh again. He thought of how long it’s been, years almost. He placed his hands on his chest and sat, looking up at the ceiling. Footsteps sounded down at the doorway. The both look up to see Travis in the doorway, panting.

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