Chapter Four

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"So, what exactly are you doing?" Rainbow asked as Aphrodite passed the halls, carrying a year's worth of white stuff in her arms.

"I'm getting inspired for a new chiton," Aphrodite said, obviously lying as she balanced a set of papers on top of the fabric.

With the first trial only a day away, Rainbow could feel the fear crawling up her shoulder.

It was only a day away.

One winner, poised to claim their immortality and glory as a Greek god/goddess.

The loser to have their father kill them in a slow, agonizing death worthy of the Romans bloodthirsty issues.

The loser title possibly heading to her.

"Hey, Dashie! You gotta see this!" Artemis's voice cried, Artemis's body coming in and pulling Rainbow down the hall, where Jacob was nervously standing. "Don't ask me what's going on."

She shoved the duo into a room and locked the door, Twilight's voice giggling as footsteps got fainter and fainter.

"They did not..." Rainbow muttered, pounding against the door. "Let me out! Let me out!"

"It's useless; I tried earlier," Jacob said. "Twilight just sorta... shoved me in here."

"Ugh, did she and Aphrodite come up with this?" Rainbow crossed her arms as she scanned the compact area around them.

"Uh..." he nervously rubbed his neck, but she didn't bother enough to fully notice as she tried to zap open the metal walls. "Not sure. I think she might have gotten more in on this. I don't even know why she's doing this."

"Please!" she grunted. "You gotta let me out of here! I'm gonna suffocate if I'm in here for long!"

The shouts kept coming louder and louder as she kept trying to burn out a hole.


The words had flown out of her mouth without permission, and she found the entire room silencing after that.

"What do you mean, you're scared?" Jacob asked.

"Uh..." Rainbow stuffed her hands behind her back as she turned around. "Uh, what I meant to say was, uh... something my friends say a lot... I'm scarred! Yeah! Because of fighting Hestia and all that..."

"Um..." he looked away. "I don't think that's what you meant."

"Well, words came out I didn't even know could come out," she huffed, getting annoyed. "I'm not scared. Pshh, I'm totally confident!"

Don't you dare read my mind; of course I'm terrified!

"Are you sure?" he reached out his hand, and it took her a couple seconds to see that her trembling fingers had involuntarily locked with his sturdy ones. There was no furniture of any kind, so he led her down to the floor.

"You're worried, aren't you?" he asked.

"What? No!" she spat quickly, removing her hand from his grip. "Why would you ask that?"

"Because you're shaking and I know you have friends who probably don't want to lose you," he said, matter-of-factly.

Well, there was truth in that. Sorta. He didn't know that pretty much only Sunset knew of this potential dying thing, so it was Rainbow who was scared of her friends losing her.

They didn't say anything a while later.

"Okay, I think they've been in there long enough," Twilight pressed buttons on the side of the metal room she'd built and it vaporized, Rainbow Dash quickly running away.

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